Friday, 21 October 2016

Molly the dolly.

Hello. We have to make some decorations for our Crafty Club Christmas tree which we are entering in the Festival again this year. The theme is children, so I decided I would have a go at making a dolly. I found a book in the library, Making Dolls and Creatures by Ruth Sleigh-Johnson, and thought it would be quicker if I followed some instructions rather than making it up myself. This one looks simple enough. 
First copy the pieces onto cardboard.

And here we are, a slightly modified first attempt. I thought the hat in the book looked a bit silly so I decided on plum red hair. She is a bit bald at the back because I didn't have enough wool, I need more practice.

Her neck is a bit floppy and her face a bit flat, she needs more stuffing. 
I rushed the last bit because I was running out of daylight and haven't put a piece of lace on the bottom of her frock. Her lips are felt, but should be embroidered on with red silk. The instructions said to add the face after the head has been stitched together and stuffed. I think it would be easier to add the face while it is still a flat piece of fabric before sewing it together.

She measures 13 inches and is too big to go on the tree. I'll have a go at making a smaller one next.

I haven't been anywhere today. A day at home sewing. Just got to attach the handles to the shopping bags and they will be ready. I need to get all my pictures out, they are currently wrapped up and stored, I have to decide which three to enter in the Open Exhibition at the 20 21 Arts Centre. That's going to be a difficult task, I like them all. They have to be handed in soon.

Just a quick note about comments. I am getting quite a few coming into the box on old blog posts. They all get published, (unless they are offensive or inappropriate), but just keep in mind that this blog moves on pretty quickly, and they might not be read by anyone for a long time, unless new readers choose to delve into the archives. Mind you, it's amazing that I am contacted by people asking to use my photographs from several years ago.

Thanks for popping in. We'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Oh these are so nice. My daughter makes sock monkeys when she is bored in the holidays. Glad people ask your permission to use your pictures.

  2. Use a Popsicle stick to firm up the neck. Might not need it as the doll gets smaller and the dolly you made would be perfect to set under the tree as a themed decoration. I have five-inch Raggedy Ann and Andy to hang on my Christmas tree.

    1. What a good idea!

    2. I really like that shot of Rocky and Mayze (I think). Who was snuggling whom in that shot? You know looking at that picture, I bet it would look really good as one of your fiber art project or a picture quilt.

    3. That was a natural picture. Rocky put his leg over Mayze, I didn't have to stage it. She sleeps on the bed upstairs with me now, I'm sure she misses him. because she comes to me for extra fuss.

  3. I love her! Big blue button eyes and lips to die for. X

  4. Molly the dolly is very sweet. I wonder if she could go to operation Christmas child or a womans shelter. So many little ones do not have gifts and Molly is so cheerful and Bright. Sometimes I use zip ties as boning when sewing. I have even cut a piece of plastic milk carton to stiff things up and they are washable. I gave a similar doll as a big sister gift
    and she is a favorite. Thank you for thinking of the little ones.

  5. Love your "dolly"...Her legs remind me of "Pipi Longstockings"...grin.

    If she is too big for your Christmas tree, maybe she could be sold separately, or used as a raffle prize?

    1. I will put Molly on the table for sale at the Fair, first tidying up her hair, and changing the buttons for stitching.

  6. Have you seen the shelf dollies? The long stripey legs reminded me, they have round bits at the bottom where they sit on a shelf and the legs dangle over. They make great decorations, especially Christmas where they can be angels,snowmen, reindeers etc.
    I think the dolly is lovely but remember when using buttons they can't be used by little ones.

  7. Like these, hope the link works

    1. Thanks. Links cannot be clicked on in a comment. Copy and paste is the way to go if anyone wants to have a look.

  8. Very cute. With her mini skirt, your Molly doll makes me think of the 1960s.

  9. Really lovely. Natalie

  10. Love her! So cute. I bet a child would love her even if she is too big for the tree

  11. Love your dolly, especially the hair. Just a tip, if you are selling her to young children you may want to,replace the button eyes with felt. In my country the button eyes are considered a choking hazard. Not sure what the UK rules are.


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