Friday, 7 April 2017

My new campervan

Hello. I gave my car a good going over today, it was rather mucky. I don't like car cleaning as much as I don't like housework, it's something I do when I have to. You wash a car and drive around dusty and/or muddy country roads and it gets mucky again. I can't remember the last time I did it, it looks nice now. I got the dyson out and cleaned the inside, so it's had a bit of a pamper. 
You may be wondering what I have got in the back. The back seats are down flat, and I have a piece of foam in there. I was testing to see if it is the right size, and yes it fits. I found it last week when I was looking for a small lampshade at the second hand furniture store. The foam was folded in quarters so I couldn't see how big it was. I thought I could make some pet beds with it. I asked the man how much he wanted for it. He said £2. I thought that was a fair price. 
It doesn't look as though I will be making any pet beds, because now it is the bed in my new campervan. This will come in very handy when I am out and about and don't have anywhere to stay. I'll have a duvet, bottom sheet, and some pillows in there, it will be dead cosy. Home from home in my car. Good idea eh!
I collected Heidi's tablets from the vet today, and on the way back I called at the small Tesco to see if there were any reductions. They sometimes have a few things, worth popping in if passing. Four avocado's for 80p. Mushrooms 67p. Four apples 47p. Iceberg lettuce 46p. Not massive savings but worth having.

It's bills time again. Severn Trent Water, £27.94, this is for surface water drainage for six months. The Anglian Water bill will arrive soon for supply of clean water. The gas and electric bills came today, they have over estimated the readings, that's because I haven't sent any in. I am changing supplier and have sent the new readings today to the new supplier. I rang the Meterline and told my present supplier the same readings so they can send me revised bills. The changeover is a lot easier because I don't do direct debits.

Although I am staying with Ebico their previous partner was SSE so the bills came from there. They have a new partner now, Robin Hood Energy, so I presume my next bills will come from them. It's all been a bit confusing for people, especially those on direct debit, there's been a big discussion about it on Money Saving Expert. We had a choice whether to stay with SSE, or move to Ebico/RHE. As I have have had no problems at all in the last three years I decided to stick with Ebico.

Time for a drink and bed. It's the weekend and the forecast is fine weather, so get out there and enjoy yourselves. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I know it's not the topic today but I have got to ask what is the gravy in your veggie stew it looks soooo yummy I hope you don't mind me asking.

    1. Hello Edwina. I use a mixture of spices. Curry powder, turmeric, ground coriander, ground cummin, vegetable granules, and mixed spice, not all at the same time.

      I have some ground rice which I bought to make puddings but it's too much faffing, so now I am using it a spoon at a time, to thicken stews. When it has gone I will use porridge oats.

      I sometimes add Danish blue cheese, fruit juice, or whole grain mustard.

  2. Good for you for staying with Ebico..I used to be with them years ago, now with Ecotricity, with Good Energy, the "green" companies all look after you well.
    Good find for the campervan! We're keeping and eye out for something similar for our Berlingo . B & B s are very nice, but when travelling I think we can afford to contribute more to a local economy if we don't use them, as the price can be ridiculous just for the use of a bed.

  3. Thank you, Ilona! As I'm trying to figure out how to deal with the insanity in my country (USA), your post is like a lifeline--yes, I could live in the back of our ancient vehicle, with a little foam and pillows! I know that's over-dramatic, but I do sincerely mean that your practical, sensible view of life is a great comfort in these hard times. Carry on, and we'll try to as well. Best regards from Kate in Oregon

    1. Hi. I think there comes a point when you have to ignore everything that is going on around you. If you dwell on all the problems in the world it is likely you will go nuts. I sometimes retreat into my own little world.

      You have to keep things in perspective. Anything I say about the troubles is not going to change anything, so I just get on with my own life.

    2. I wanted to say I agree! They (politicians) are paid an obscene amount of money to worry on our expense. Chill. xx

  4. Great idea to have a foam/bedding in the back. Makes for more options for you. Do you also carry (plan to) a "kit"....first aid/food/etc? Would round out your options.

    I have seen a lot of folks do this, and enjoy it much.
    Most have made covers for their foams. Easier to keep clean etc...It looks like you have an extra couple feet of foam at the top. If you cut that off, you could still make some lovely pet beds.

    1. Hi. Don't need first aid kit. Probably take food and drink, bucket with lid to pee in, water and a plastic bowl for a quick wash, small camping gas stove to make coffee in the morning. Might find a camp site, or wild camp.

  5. Doesn't look as comfy as my motorhome but enjoy. Me and Lou spent a very happy five days 'car camping' as the Americans call it in Yellowstone. xx

  6. Gosh that will be very brave of you Ilona. I always need a wee in the middle of the night (I know, I know...too much information!!) so it would be a problem for me to sleep in the car but good for you if you feel happy doing it. Just thought....would you take water for freshening up next morning or park near public loos or something?

    1. Hi. Someone asked a similar question. Yes, I will take a plastic bowl and a bottle of water.

  7. Hi Ilona. I think car camping is brilliant! It will fit perfectly in to your get up and go lifestyle. I would rather sleep in my car or small tent than any 5 star hotel! Happy travelling

  8. Ilona, I am sure that you read my mind... I have just said to Tony that we could put a piece of foam and a duvet in the back of the car for exactly the same reason. We only need two seats in the car now that we are empty nesters... What a great way to see the country... At a push I could shower in a service station as they don't cost a great deal..

  9. Mr S was just saying the other day that he and his brother used their estate car as their camper for trips away when they were younger. Great idea!

  10. I think it's great that you can just up and go -a free spirit.Just the basics and do whatever you wish.For some reason I don't allow myself to.I always make it too complicated,too much stuff that burdens me down.I then get exhausted by the arrangements.I must try to just have what is important and leave the rest behind.You're a very wise woman Ilona x

  11. It's a good idea to sleep in your car, it will save money on hotels and rooms!

    There are some interesting car and van dwellers on YouTube who do this quite often :)

  12. Just got home from a gorgeous walk, around 6 miles, which started at the car parked of a nearby National Trust property, along a canal, lunch in a pub garden and then the reverse walk back to the car. Superb hot sunny day. Feeling great!

  13. I could sleep there, but I have a regular car. Because of back and knees, I must sit to pee. I want a van so I could have a five-gallon bucket with commode seat. Good deal for you on the foam.

  14. Good for you,Ilona .. here in the U.S. it's illegal to sleep in your car in many areas and the police take joy in rousting people who do so, and send them on their way. Assumption is that this is only a habit of the homeless.

  15. That's a right good idea with the mattress in the back. We were once camping on a farm in Robin Hood's Bay when a young couple paid a small fee for one night's stopover in a similar set up. They got the security of being on a camp site and use of the showers, etc, - just as good as camping!

    1. We used to tent camp and once met a car-camping couple who paid a small fee for a tent site (no utilities) every third night so that they could use the shower house.

  16. Much more economical to sleep in a camper car. Do be careful though where you park. I would want to be covering up the windows when I sleep so no one can look in.

  17. ah...

    how about some way to put up some curtains for the night/for changing etc?

    maybe a magnetic strip glued to top of windows and magnets in curtains....

  18. yorkshire lass9 April 2017 at 16:15

    you can get sun screens that stick on your car windows, you could cover or paint them I guess, I am not a car driver. Good for you for changing suppliers, I check this out every year. I moved from Spark in November to Scottish Power, saving me about £20 a month so far but Spark were very poor dealing with it. They took 5 months to pay my final balance.

  19. This is a really good idea for the summer
    months although I would suggest some kind of covering for the windows. I have seen a few estate car conversions where people have removed the back seat and then built a plywood platform for the bed with storage underneath. I think a single person could manage quite comfortably like this. It might be something to consider for the future as you would probably be able to get a few trips in over the summer.

  20. You can make a full set of screens quite easily & inexpensively - Empress Mills sell insul-bright; I backed some with an old brightly-patterned sheet & use suction cups to stick the "silvers" to my van windows. When I was camping in the back of the car, I used an old sari attached by safety-pins to a long piece of elastic that ran right round the windscreen shades, the safety-belt fixings & any other bits that stick out near the roof! Have to say, though, that a tail-gate awning is a blessing when car-camping... somewhere separate to cook and get dressed. They're available for most makes of car but it wouldn't be too hard to make one, if you can get hold of an old frame tent or caravan awning.

    1. There was a man parked outside my house a few years ago,who slept overnight in his car.He didn't care about dressing discretely- 9.30am he just stood at the back of his car which had a stove and stuff in and took all his bottom half off and put on other trousers. He wasn't bothered about privacy.He then drove off x

  21. On a separate subject, those yellow sticker mushrooms you got look perfectly fresh. Here (USA)I often see them for full price even after they are brown and slimy! Meat is marked down on the last fresh sale day, but the veg seems to stay in place until it is ready for the bin.

    1. Hi, It seems to me that the USA doesn't value food as much as we do here. They expect people to pay for rubbish. Here no one would buy inedible food so the supermarkets know they have to sell it before it gets to that state, so they reduce it.


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