Tuesday, 25 June 2019

For sale....all kinds of stuff.

I've spent the day mostly indoors because it's raining, with a brief spell outside when it stopped raining to fill up the garden wheelie bin which will be emptied tomorrow. I have that much debris from clipping the hedges and mowing the lawn that I filled my neighbours bin up as well. 
This is a lunch that I made the other day from some of the Marks yellow stickers. There's cheese, beetroot, mushrooms, egg, and cucumber on a wrap spread with houmous. It was bloomin lovely and so filling. 
I'm slowly getting through sorting the stuff out for the Summer Fair at the weekend. We have some nice things to sell for the cat rescue, and all will be cheap. I need to get rid of this clutter and get my house back.  Tee light holders and glass paperweights.

 Nice selection of glass animals and birds.

Pet beds for cats and small dogs. Would also make seat covers to keep sofa and chairs clean.

Shopping bags, of course, ha ha. I haven't made as many this time because we have lots of other things to sell. 
Two table lamps. Very pretty.

Bunches of flowers. I hope all these sell at 50p each. If I have any left I shall be putting them on the old gravestones in the churchyard.

There's toys, kitchen stuff, soft cuddly toys, bags, planters, flower baskets, and a zillion DVD's. We have four tables placed end to end, maybe five if Sue and Janet bring another one. They are doing a tombola as well which the kids like. I think the weather will be fine, the forecast is dry and warm.

I've been getting on with sewing this afternoon, while watching yooootoooob videos. It's amazing what you find. Programmes about internet crime and scams. It certainly is an eye opener when you see how determined they are to rob people, and how gullible vulnerable people are.

Did you know that there is a thriving market in fake reviews. People make a lot of money by lying through their teeth about how good a product or service is. Large companies pay a lot of money for them and give them scripts to work from. Basically it's a freelance acting job. One woman had a dozen or more different personas. She claimed she was an expert in this and that, even wearing a doctors coat to endorse some slimming pills. I never trust reviews of any kind, in fact I don't even read them. And I like to think I will never get scammed, I don't believe anyone.

That's all, it's time for dinner. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. I hope that you make plenty of money for your cat stall.You have some nice things there and I hope that you sell everything!.At least you will get your house back!!.I have been clearing my garage out over the last few weeks,making it into a living room,so that my Daughter can come down with her Labradors.And we can sit and have a cup of tea without my 5 cats and her 2 dogs wanting to chase each other around the close!!Thats a lovely idea,to put any remaining flowers on old graves...Last year,the cemetery,where my Leicester family are, had thrown away lots of beautiful silk flower baskets because,i presume,they were a bit faded.So I brought them home with me,sprayed them silver,trimmed them up and put them on old graves for Christmas.They looked lovely and saved them from being dumped.I have also seen some of those scam videos.I dont know how some people can sleep at night.They are rotten,evil individuals who just dont give a damn.Im like you Ilona,I dont trust people I dont know well.To be honest,I much prefer animals!!.I hope that the weather is nice and sunny for your weekend Summer fair.It is dull,rainy and cold here in Leicester today so I hope that improves for the weekend,xx

    1. I'm with you Debi. The more scams and crime I see on the news etc the more I love my animals! (I have actually stopped watching the news now - so depressing)

  2. You have some lovely things for your stalls I hope you do well for you work so hard for your animals. I really love the glass ornaments. Have a good day Ilona.
    Hazel c 🇬🇧

  3. I think you're right to be sceptical when it comes to reviews. There is a video out there of a guy that rented an outbuilding in London and managed to get it rated as the number one restaurant in London on Trip Advisor, using fake reviews! Search 'The Shed at Dulwich', if you get a chance, it's quite a watch!
    Best of luck for the Summer Fayre, I'm sure the stall will look lovely and hope you make lots of money for the cats! X

  4. Hope you have a super day with lots of sales:)

  5. Hi Ilona, looks like you've got a very good stash for the sale, the cat charity will be very happy with the proceeds, you are very good to do it. Is there any chance I could buy some of those quilt seat covers from you, can you tell me how to private message you about it? I have a cat with very weepy eyes, has been going on since late last year, vet's can't seem to find a solution to it, I am constantly cleaning drips all over the floor, which is fine, but also keep running out of pieces of old sheets etc., on her beds, chairs, wherever she decides to lie down. Other than that she's in fine fettle, always happy and is a total little darling. So...I would love some of those quilt squares, they look great and very comfy, she does like her comfort! Thanks, Terry in Reigate

    1. Hi Terry. Sorry to hear about your poor pussy. I only have these nine quilts and they will sell this weekend. I only make them when someone gives me a bed quilt they don't want. To send them in the post would make them too expensive, it would be far better if you could make some yourself if you have a sewing machine. If not maybe a friend with a machine would help.

      All I have done is cut a full size bed quilt up into squares, make them as big or as small as you like. Then get a cotton quilt cover or a bed sheet and cut up squares slightly bigger than the stuffing. Sew them together, right sides in, on three sides, turn them right way, insert stuffing then sew up the fourth side. Sew a square about four inches in from the edge, to hold the two sides together. Give it a go.

    2. Jan, if you are looking for your comment, I have deleted it. You keep coming back with nasty, patronising, nitpicking remarks, they all go in the bin. I don't know why you bother reading my blog.

  6. No surprise there - we live in a fake world !

  7. Yes, that fake reviewer was from Ontario Canada, our local TV did a show about her, they asked her to endorse a scarf for them, then when she went to the PO box to pick it up they ambushed her, very funny. I think it was Market Place if you want to see it. Lovely weather today, hope everyone is busy doing crafts etc, by the way, one utuber has to employ a person to delete nasty comments for them they get so many...people today are nuts.

    1. That was the exact video I saw, Dawn. Her handle was Sanpan. Basically she is an actor, she hired out her services to whoever would pay her. Not bothered what the product or service was, passing herself off to be an expert in that particular field. She is a fraudster not to be trusted with anything that comes out of her mouth.

  8. very kind of you to donate to such a good cause.

    If I lived anywhere close, would surely be having a go at those glass paperweights. Love them. Before you donate them---are you sure they are not seriously valuable? I myself cannot tell one from the next, but I had a friend who collected same, and most of hers were worth LOTS.

    take care

    1. Knowing where the paperweights come from, I doubt very much that they are valuable. Even if they are worth a bit I don't care. I don't see things in monetary value, everything is just stuff to me. We don't own anything, we can't take it with us. Lets just keep moving it around and hope it lands with someone who loves it because they like to look at it, not what it's worth.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.