Tuesday, 5 November 2019

My Trucking Life. Last video in the series.

Bonfire night, bonfire night, all the fires are burning bright. Do you remember that song. A few bangs going on outside, Mayze looking scared next to me, Oscar is in but has hidden, same with Heidi, can't find them. They will come out eventually.

This morning I made the 13th and final video in the Trucking Life series. Wrapped it all up, it's about my last job at B & Q, and what happened after. There is a message if you watch to the end. About 20 mins I think.

I took the fabric into 20 21 Arts centre, they were pleased. They said they would think up some new activities that the kids could do with it. Picked up some more tablets from the vet for Heidi.

It's gone quiet, I'll see if I can find the cats. Toodle pip.  ilona


  1. Bloody fireworks!!,I am sat here as I have been for the last 3 weeks,trying to keep my cats calm.We have Diwali here as well,so it has been manic for the animals in this area for all that time.To be honest maybe the the people who know that November 5th is Bonfire Night are the ones who have saved them for the correct night.But when its been for the last 3 weeks and know that it will carry on now until Jan 1st..it is annoying...I wont use any swear words on your blog Ilona!!.Why o why wont they just do advertised display nights so that we know the nights when it is going to happen?.These are potential bombs being bought and nothing is being done about it.Only last night in London there was someone running up a street throwing them and people cowering in doorways.When I was a kid,god forbid if we wanted to let our catherine wheels or traffic light fireworks off before Nov 5th...it just didnt happen !.I really am sick of it now,animals are dying of fear from it and its about time something was done.Living in a city at this time of year is a nightmare!..I will look forward to watching your video!,xx

  2. Thanks Ilona thouroghly enjoyed your series. I hope these will be kept somewhere because women's history is often not recorded or given the importance it should,and you are such an inspiration to women of all ages to just get out there and do what is right for themselves. I am 63 and I think we have a similar sliding scale to be eligible for the full pension, as I will be 66 and a half and younger women will be 70 years.I am of the generation that has little superannuation but I am grateful to you and others for your support of my frugal ways which mean we still have a (I think) a lovely life��

    1. Hi Jenny, The videos are floating around in space somewhere, I hope yooootoooob does not close down, because as you say, they are part of history.

  3. Second time commenting tonight!.I have just watched your video and I am going to show it to my eldest grandaughter tomorrow.I think that she could learn from it,so thank you!.I loved how Mayze was wanting to sit....well,where ever she wanted to,lol.She is a beauty!.We have had 15 mins break from the fireworks..now it is almost 10pm and they are starting again..xx

  4. You really are a wonderful,inspirational lady Ilona-I wish I had found your blog much earlier but am very grateful to you sharing your lifestyle with us.I used to think that I needed more stuff to be happy,I realize now I was wrong- thank you Ilona.I loved your video and Mayze featuring x

  5. I have never commented before but I have thoroughly enjoyed all your trucking videos. I also enjoy everything crafty that you do. Sheila

    1. Thank you Sheila, your comment has given me a boost.

  6. Loved your trucking series! I am also applauding you for your heartfelt message at the end of your video. Well said!

    1. I hope I don't come across too preachy, what I say is from the heart.

  7. This was wonderful, Ilona. I also loved seeing your interaction with Mayze who is a beautiful cat.

  8. Thank you, Ilona, for this message of encouragement which comes at a perfect time when I need it. I will endeavour to share with someone else who may need an uplifting word also.

  9. Just want to say thank you for your blog and your videos. I have just retired to look after elderly mother and am learning the restrictions this will be on my own life. But I want to take a leaf out of your book and live my life to the full rejoicing in every day. Thanks to you my walking total for this year so far is 1867 kilometres!

  10. As someone who has had mental health problems since I was 11 (50 now!) due to a severely abusive childhood and consequently years of abusive relationships that really touched me Ilona. I would take a hug from you any day x

  11. Thank you for your time & words, I totally agree with you, wished you lived near me in rainy Belper. Carry on the good work, I think you are a wonderful lady Ilona x

  12. As someone who has struggled through life without the support of a partner or family, I admire your determination and discipline. Well done, you well deserve your peaceful and happy retirement.

  13. Thank you, Ilona, for sharing your amazing life as a lady trucker. I've really enjoyed the many stories and adventures. Never realized what a pioneer you are!!! Pretty amazing!! I'm just sad it's come to an end. I've a mind to watch them all now-top to bottom. Blessings!!

  14. Thanks so much for this wonderful series of your journey. You are very much an inspiration! And a wonderful message at the end!
    Love your kitties too!

  15. I enjoyed every single trucking video, Ilona. They've all been so interesting that the time would fly by as I watched. I have watched your message at the end of this video three times so far. It just really moves me. You are so awesome, encouraging, and inspiring. Thank you for all you do! And Mayze is so sweet. Love how she moves right back just as the video ends. That's a cat for you!


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