Monday, 4 November 2019

Sorting fabric

Breakfast this morning, porridge with nuts and seeds, and FIVE fruits. As well as the ones you can see, I added frozen raspberries and cherries. I start off by microwaving the porridge for one minute, stir and add more water if needed. Then add any frozen fruit, microwave another minute, take out and stir, back in for a third minute. Then add whatever fresh fruit I have on the top. Yellow sticker strawberries and grapes. Bloomin lovely. 

Had a laugh at Crafty Club this morning. Not a full house so opportunity for me to join in the chat. I popped to a friends house after to put some bunting up on the front gate. He is due back today from the USA, with his new wife. They were married months ago but she had to wait for her visa. I am so pleased for them, she is a lovely lady.

This afternoon was sorting out day in the fabric store, aka the spare bedroom. I started off by looking for a specific kind of fabric for a new project, it has to be just right, and ended up going through the lot. I thought I might as well ditch some of it, the fabric I will never use. So now I have some bags to take to the 20 21 Arts Centre. I asked last time I was in there if they could use it on their activity table. They said they could. The kids will be able to cut it up and make collages.

I've got four possibilities for the new artwork, I need to make my mind up and decide which one will be best suited. Some kind of floral which I am going to add embroidery, beads, and sequins.
Toodle pip. ilona.


  1. I bet your spare room is like Aladdin's Cave lol. Love to read what you get up to. Breakfast looks tasty & healthy xxx

  2. That breakfast looks yummy Ilona!I might have something like that tomorrow morning.As I mentioned on your last post,I was going to Aldi for my 8am haul...I shouldnt have bothered..the guy
    shelf filling,told me that they start putting the 50% off stuff out the day before no particular time.The girl at the checkout said that she was gutted a couple of days ago,when one woman came through with 10 half price chickens.With doing it this way even the staff dont get a look in because they do it in work hours.So my food bill is going to go up if I dont choose very carefully what Im buying and make it stretch even further.I havent got time to hang around Aldi all afternoon,just incase they happen to put the reduced stuff out!...Its nice of you to take your fabric to the Arts Center,Im sure they will make very good use of it.Looking forward to seeing your new art work!,xx

  3. That's really kind of you to give away what's not being used. I'm intrigued as to what you're making next.


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