Sunday, 26 September 2021

Uig to Tarbert on a CalMac Ferry

There was time for a look around the Ferry Terminal at Uig before bedding down for the night. Finding where I had to check in the following morning. 
There was a boat in so I watched it load up and get on it's way. 

Next morning it was my turn. I joined the queue to get on. 
And we're off. I stayed on the outside deck most of the time on all four ferries. 

And here we are arriving at Tarbert. There is a lot of work going on to update and modernise the terminal. It's amazing how they manage to reverse the boat exactly onto the ramp. 

The first thing I did at Tarbert was to go to the CalMac office and buy a ticket for the second crossing, Harris to North Uist, which I had planned to do in a few days time. 
More pics and videos coming up, if you are still awake, ha ha. Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. We've just got back from Tarbert, well 2 weeks ago. North Uist is the prettiest of the Western Isles in my opinion. Look forward to your posts

    1. Plenty more to come, Mark. Difficult to whittle it down to the best pictures.

  2. What an adventure you have had!.I love boat trips like that and I would have spent my time on deck too.Its great to see the land appearing in the distance as the journey is towards the end.One of my most favourite views is seeing the cliffs of Dover as the boats sail towards England from France.You photos are so interesting and I loved seeing the houses on the island.xx

    1. I did pop inside to warm up for five minutes, but there's nothing quite like the bracing sea air to awaken the senses. I felt alive the whole time I was there.

  3. Enjoying your posts and so pleased you could go to Tarbert, look forward to more of your posts.
    Hazel 🌈🌈

  4. It's like being on the edge of the world. It's certainly the edge of Scotland....and Europe😍


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