Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Common sense

 Good morning. 

First we have Mark Zucker telling us he has sacked the fact checkers, now we have facebuck being swamped with get rich quick schemes. Scamming posts will be pushed out relentlessly now the coast is clear. 

The fact checkers were supposed to protect us from misinformation. Anyone who understands the term of misinformation doesn't need protecting. Many are wide awake now and will ignore these accusations. 

So what we have now is a free for all. These scammers are using well known political figures to push their bogus investment companies. Apparently mega money can be made by signing over your personal banking details, and you will become instantly rich. If you believe this good luck to you.

Try this one. 

And this one. 

And this one. 

There is a battle going on between social media companies. Mr Zucker's business model is not doing very well, people are leaving in droves. Mr Musk's company is doing very well since he took over the tweeeeters. They both need paying advertisers, and they are both desperate to grab a bigger share of the market. They both need people to be sucked in and they will both employ dirty tricks, to get it. 

Money coming into these companies will filter through to the higher levels. The more control they have over everyone's bank accounts, the easier it is for them to move on to CBDC. 

Never has their been a more important time to use the common sense that you were born with. The only way to survive this power grab is to think independently. Work things out for yourself. Don't be easily led. Be responsible for your own actions. Don't give away your life, it's yours. 

There you go. I don't like giving advice. I try not to. But open your eyes and see it for what it is. 

Now going to Coffee Morning. Have a nice day. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Reply to a lengthy comment from Unknown. You wasted your time, it is deleted.

  2. Not sure if that was my lengthy comment or not but if it was pointing out how you are yet again wrong, of course you have deleted it.

    1. Possibly. I don't know who you are. Why do you keep coming back? Have you nothing better to do?


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.