Saturday, 18 January 2025

Look after your fanny

 I am seeing a lot of adverts for itchy fanny cream, and bras for saggy tits. 😵 There is an explosion on facebuck for products to enhance and pamper the female form. What is going on. I don't see anything similar for men's health and well being. What about a cream to smooth out the wrinkles of the dangly thingymabob, 😎 or a bra to hitch up the manboobs for the over fifties. Give us ladies a break, and sort out the imperfections of the male body first. Equality and diversity and all that jazz. 

If anyone is too embarrassed to visit your local Boots the chemist 😏 for the supplies you need, you can have them sent to your home. Who would have thought there is such a vast array of products available to smear around your nether regions. 
I would rather not be seeing these type of personal adverts on my screen. I keep blocking them, but they keep coming back. Go away.
Have a good weekend, and give your fanny a good scrub.😹😻
Toodle pip.  ilona  


  1. Haha lol that gave me a laugh when I read it. There are products for every knock and cran y but I'm not sure we need them lol the beard oil for men makes me feel sick it would be like smearing scented sunflower oil on your face.xx

    1. I haven't seen the beard oil advert, but I did come across a chappie selling it once at a Craft Fair. People were clamouring around his stall to test the perfumes. Who would want to snog a greasy shredded wheat. Yuk.

  2. I haven’t seen these ads on my FB feed but I’ve seen plenty of other annoying ones which I keep deleting. I agree they’re targeted at women and particularly certain age groups which is discriminatory and ageist. It’s assumed all women of a certain age want and need these products. I’m not one of them.

    1. I agree, it is sexist and ageist. I wonder what the next wonder products will be. Ooops, there's another one, see below.

  3. Here's another one.

    Hot Selling Product in the UK 🔥
    🥰 Use daily for star-studded skin in just 7 days!
    🌟 Effectively reduces fat deposits, fine lines, dark spots and scars, fights sagging breasts, lifts breasts, firms skin, hydrates skin and brightens skin tone.
    ✨ Look 20 years younger than your age.
    🎁 Try it now for a radiant glow!

  4. You are cracking me up 😂🤣😂🙈🙈 I guess these platforms have to pay the bills somehow I suppose 😂 Oh what would your mother think of having to see these types of advertising 😱🤯😳.
    By the way I absolutely LOVE your latest cover blog photo! I think that is so elegant. If I were to try and have flowers placed like that it just wouldn’t be that beautifully decorated.

    1. My mother used to sit on the sofa and let out the biggest fart you ever heard. She laughed and we all laughed. Glad you like the new header picture. Malham is a great place for walking.

  5. Drawing attention to these ads by using the words “ fanny “and “tits” is vulgar and crass.

    1. Makes for a humorous talking point though.

  6. You made me laugh out loud Ilona - Could do with glue or something to help with my urgent trips for a wee though x

    1. Smear a splodge of magic cream on it. That should do the trick ;o)

  7. I agree with another anonymous, it’s crude and vulgar to use the words “fanny” and “tits”. Why you’ve even bothered to write this post is beyond me? The reason you come across these ads in your feed is because you might have actually googled such matters yourself.

    1. I know, I am pretty disgusting, aren't I. Perhaps you might be better to avoid my blog in future. As I say below., I have never gooooglied such matters. I will remind you that you have no control over what I write about on my blog.

  8. If ads like these crop up in your feed you must have shown a previous interest in these products.

    1. You are mistaken. I have never searched for skin care products. I will go to a shop for my moisturisers.


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