Monday, 20 January 2025

What's on the crafting table

This is a work in progress. It is going in a completely different direction to what I first thought of. I have a lot of jewellery given to me by various people, so the idea I had was arranging it in a square box frame, maybe painting it all black, or bright colours, and fastening it to a board with wire. I might still do that. A lot of the jewellery is ugly dark colours, and would benefit with a coat of paint. 
I changed my mind and decided on a hoop with dark fabric so I could stitch the decorations on. I particularly like mandalas. The hearts are not yet stitched down, I laid them there to see how it might look. Nothing is decided until it's finished. 

I knocked this video out yesterday while I was sitting at the craft table. It's had a lot of views and comments on the channel. While I was replying to a comment a message popped up on the screen. Some of the words I used have been flagged up as being against their guidelines, and I should think about deleting my reply, or modifying it. As I do not want to get banned from yooootooob, I deleted it and rewrote it saying why I had to delete it. Other vloggers have been de monetized because they have used the wrong words. They can't de monetise me, but they can take my channel down. My first reply referenced offensive words that have been aimed at me here on the blog, but I am supposed to suck it up, unless I want to submit a more watered down version. I will stick to their rules, but I will not grovel. 
Now I'm going to take Billy out. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Your mandela is beautiful - You are very talented - I wonder why do they allow someone to print offensive words to you then Ilona ? x

    1. Flis. The comment I was replying to is on my yoootooob channel. I was referencing what is said to me on this blog. Two different platforms.

  2. The mandala is really beautiful and I'm looking forward to seeing the finished piece. I feel very annoyed on your behalf about YouTube censoring your reply.

    1. It was frustrating. After spending ages checking through and replying to comments on the yoootoob channel, I chose one to give a more detailed reply. In fact I suspected that the person who sent the comment was trying their luck to get me to reply, because the same words were used as those comments on here, which I usually ignore and delete. Apparently yoootooob doesn't like the word 'die', or 'vile cunt'. They would class that as inciting violence. So people can be violent towards me, but I cannot reply.

  3. An old toothbrush and toothpaste really cleans up old jewelry..

  4. I love this new piece you are working on. You are so talented.

    1. It gives me pleasure to create something.

  5. Ilona! I would like to suggest the "Re-creating Kev" YouTube channel. I think you might like it.

    1. Thank you. I've had a look. I will watch for new videos from him.

  6. It’s beautiful! Lynn, Pecos, NM

    1. Thank you Lynn. This is what makes North Yorkshire so picturesque.

  7. Hi Ilona, and happy new year to you and your readers. As I’ve said before I love your blog and all you write about and lately I am especially loving the changing photos on your blog heading. Those swans were absolutely beautiful as is current photo of what seems like a fairy tale house and garden. Keep on with your positive outlook and wonderful advice and clear thinking.
    Kind regards
    Fi from Australia

    1. Hello Fi. Good to hear from you. I have such a lot of photo's stored, it makes sense to bring some of them out for a second showing. The stone cottage was decorated with flowers of every colour. Keep your eyes and ears open and live your best life.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.