Monday, 6 January 2025

Erasing scars.

 Faycebuck is a cess pit of subliminal messages intending to normalise the mutilation of minors.  

It is being swamped by advertisements from multiple companies, for a miracle cream called Bee Venom. Here is a link to one of them.  Apparently it is the answer to remove every type of skin blemish that you can think of. It even restores pain free movement in all of your aching joints
These two clips appeared in the first few seconds of their promotional video. I had to be quick to take the photographs. I was shocked that they appear to be endorsing teenagers to change their gender, by having their breasts removed. Don't worry about the scars on your body, Bee Venom will take care of them. 
Maybe so, but what about the scars internally. The ones inside their head when they realise that they may have not done the right thing. There are plenty of cases indicating that a lot of people are now de-transitioning. 
Please be aware that the media, any media, whether main stream or social media, have a vested interest in pushing to boost their millions into billions, and further into trillions. They will use every trick in the book, and they don't care about me or you, and they will sink to the depths of depravity to do it. 
Thank you for your presence on my blog. Catch ya soon. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. You really do have something against transgenders!
    Why is that ?

    1. Why do you believe Ilona has something against transgenders? She has never said anything against them. She is simply warning about the rate of de-transitioners (which you clearly haven't bothered to research) - yes, let's allow children to butcher themselves, none of them will regret it, will they? How naive you are.

    2. Thank you the second Anon, exactly right.

  2. I haven’t seen one such advert on Facebook TBH

  3. Ilona frequently posts snide remarks about the transgender community. She’s always always going on about how people should be free to make their own choices in life, yet obviously disapproves of the choices transgender people make. Its not an easy life when there are so many bigots about.

  4. These photos are so fake .

    1. They are. It's a sales tactic to pull in as many customers as they can.

  5. My friend's sister is transgender and deeply regrets it. They had lots of painful problems after surgery including sepsis at one point. She told me pain even after 5 years is problematic for up to 80% of those who had surgery. I'll bet they don't tell people that.

    1. People who have gone through top and bottom surgeries are scared for life both physically and mentally. They will also need medication for the rest of their lives. Female to male may need a hysterectomy. Male to female may suffer from prostate cancer. It's all very well to change their outward appearance but it does not change what is going on inside the body. A longer period of counselling should be offered first. Up to five years, then decide whether surgery is going to be the best option.


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