Monday, 13 January 2025


The man who did everything he could to save his house. 
Remember these words. A few of the 8,700 comments. 
"I did what I needed to do. I did what I wanted to do. I did what I thought I could do"
He didn't rely on the government to save him. He saved himself.
A man who thought for himself and didn’t leave his life in the hands of those who can't be trusted.
Old school guy! Great character, does not wait for any encouragement to take initiative and does not complain!
Bravo this man. Too many people are to quick to COMPLY with everything the government tells them to do. This followed his heart and common sense.
This is what's required in life. Look after yourself and your neighbours, instead of relying on others.
Men with attitude are driven by intelligence and determination, not by emotions or others' command and opinion!
Catch ya later. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. He was lucky.Not following evacuation orders is foolish.
    Wild fires are unpredictable and the wind can change direction at any time.

    1. He assessed the risk and it worked out ok for him. He might well have been lucky. He could have been unlucky and lost his life. The point of this post is that if you choose not to follow orders, wherever they come from, then you take full responsibility for the outcome. If he wasn't able to save his house, and watched it burn down, then he would have to live with that. He tried but it could have failed. It was his choice.

      Not so long ago people were ordered to get the jabbby, or they would lose their job. Many people gave in and did what they were told. Many people are now ill because they did what they were told to do. Many other people chose not to get the jabbby, and did lose their job. They decided that the risk was too great, and didn't want to be guinea pigs for the new treatment.

      You are the author of your own destiny.

    2. Why on earth do you have to use childish language and call it the jabby?

    3. Because that's all it is, a jabbbb in the arm. And because it's my blog. And because I knew it would piss you off.

  2. There is an enormous difference between being ordered to evacuate due to wild fires and being ordered to have vaccinations.

    1. Same thing. People giving orders. It's for your own good. Taking away your right to choose. You can call them vaccinations, but they weren't. Same as you must pay with a card or a phone. No, you don't have to, you can pay with cash.

  3. I understand what you mean Ilona, the man chose to rescue his house, because he felt his home was so important to him and he couldn´t afford a new home. He lived there his whole life. It wasn´t foolish to do what he did,he knew he could die but it was worth it. A man who takes responsibility for his own decisions.

    1. Assessing the risks when one needs to make a decision is not something that everyone can do. Therefore I applaud this man. After weighing up the best and worst that could happen, he decided that it was possible to save his house.

      When I set off walking across Britain from one side to the other, I didn't know if I could do it. With backpack and maps, I set off. I could have collapsed with exhaustion half way through it, maybe got carted off in an ambulance, or, I might actually reach the finishing point, 137 miles away. I was exhausted, but the elation I felt was enormous. Thank you Marianne for your comment. You get it.

  4. Very few people are fortunate enough to have the choice to stay and defend their homes in a wild fire.If you are ordered to evacuate it’s because your life is in danger,
    These orders are not to be taken lightly .
    I cannot understand why you are saying people are to be complemented for choosing to make such a foolish decision.

    1. I don't think you will ever understand personal responsibility. He knew the risks, his choice to stay. Do you think they should have arrested him and dragged him away, for his own safety? Do you think that mountaineers should not climb mountains because they might fall off? Do you think that racing drivers should not race around a track because they might crash?

      If my house caught fire I would get the hell out of there, after saving my cats. I have no emotional attachment to the house and it's contents, it's just stuff and can be replaced. This man had a different attitude, his parents built the house, he lived there all his life. I will not criticize anyone who takes responsibility for their own life.

  5. I’m not sure I would have done what this man did, but I absolutely applaud his decision to defy the ‘authorities’ I’m glad he’s ok. SJ

  6. Then there are those who refused to leave and had to be rescued when they changed their minds, endangering first responders' lives and using resources that could have been used to save other people who weren't so stupid and stubborn.

  7. There were many many people that weighed up the risk of the jab and having to leave their job could not pay rent,mortgage,they did not give in and do what they were told,they weighed up the risks they have two or three young children ,not everyone is on a pension and can say well this is not my problem.You are stuck on, people gave in and now look,no one gave in,some people believe everything the government tells them and still do or weigh up what is best for us and thats fine but lets not get ignorant and self righteous.MC

    1. I am not self righteous. I remember all those people who willingly got the treatment and bragged about it to all who would listen. Hey look what I did, I got the vaccine. Posting on facebook with their rainbow halo's. Urging others to do the same. Celebrities, pop stars, actors, saying if you don't get vaccinated you should not be able to access any treatment from the NHS. Posing for photographs, masked up with a needle about to go into their arm. They are the self righteous ones. I just followed my instincts.

    2. Instinct my foot…you followed the loons on social media. You are supremely self righteous, you are a member of the wide awake club,

    3. Did you get out of bed the wrong side?

  8. This man was lucky. Some of those who died in the fires thought they were going to be able to save their houses and didn't evacuate.

    1. You may have heard the saying, 'you made your bed now you lie in it'.


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