Saturday, 18 January 2025

There's a lot of it about

 Good evening. I didn't think it was that cold when I walked out of the door this afternoon. I set off anyway for a walk to the park via the track by the playing field and past the allotments. By the time I got to the end of the track I wished I had put my thick woolly gloves on, rather than the fingerless ones. It was very cold. 

Entering the village there was a peacock strolling along the road. They often come out of the park and go exploring in peoples gardens. It's a bit of a gamble for them as the road can get quite busy and drivers don't always slow down. This one made it into a garden and was pecking about looking for grubs.  

There were a few people who had braved the cold and came out for a walk. I see the horses are still there. I think they are due to be removed soon. 

As I was leaving the park a friends husband came running towards me, in shorts and a t shirt. He had a gadget strapped to his arm to monitor his fitness levels. He looked a bit out of puff. I said it looks like you had a good Christmas, your middle has expanded. He said no, we had a terrible Christmas. We have all been ill. He said the coughing started before Christmas and hasn't yet fully gone away. I asked him where he might have caught it. His reply, the kids. They have three teenagers. He is trying to build his strength up with a bit of running. He went to the park, then overtook me on his way back. 

I noticed a friend across the road in a field, she was seeing to her daughters two ponies in their paddock. I often speak to her if I see her about. I haven't seen her since before Christmas. She is 65 ish possibly 70 ish. She said, guess what I had for Christmas dinner. I tried a guess but was way off. Apparently she took a snack with her to the paddock and sat in the shed with the ponies. The story was, her daughter and husband both caught a bad dose of the lurgy. They were both coughing so hard that Sarah thought she had cracked a rib and they went to hospital. She thought she might need an x-ray. The doctor said she didn't need one. 

So, Sarah's mother has had to see to the ponies. She has been going twice a day for three weeks. It's a good job she is fit and well to be able to do that. There's a lot of it about, so they say. 

Enjoy your Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Love the photo of the peacock. Aren’t they wonderful birds? xxx

    1. They are indeed. They are supposed to stay in the park, but there is no fencing to keep them in.

  2. My daughter caught this bug. She was so ill with high temperature cough and cold she actually had a week off work. First time ever she's been off sick. Lots of it around atm.
    Sally from Devon

    1. It seems it's everywhere, Sally. I think I will stay away from people this week. I don't want to catch it.

  3. Debi from Leicester.Great photo of the peacock.I have photos like that on my fridge door that we took of the Tutbury castle peacocks last year and my Daughter got them enlarged for me.When ever we are there we see them wandering about and its lovely to watch.Your friends Christmas day,sat with the ponies would be perfect!!xx

    1. It may be time to revisit my old school days, Tutbury and Rolleston.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.