Saturday, 25 January 2025

Hair today

I put this video out today. What do you think? Curling tongues from a charity shop £3. Is curly hair  better. It's such a faff. In my face, in my mouth. Don't like it tied back, uncomfortable pulling on my scalp.  
Stuff it, let's get it off. 
Dinner tonight. Sweet and sour stir fry. Mushrooms, broccoli, spring onions, spinach, noodles, and a cheese and onion roll in the pan to warm it through. Blooming lovely.  

An interesting post on Rachels blog today. You might want to have a look. 
Catch ya tomorrow. Have a good Sunday. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Thank you for posting the link to Rachel’s blog. xx

    1. Rachel is her own free spirit, and I like that.

  2. It's true what Rachel is saying as most kids are on social media constantly. A lot of bullying goes on with these sites too.
    Never believe all you see on there either, often people put their best side but are nowhere near truthful about relationships, family or many other things. With AI you can create a picture with yourself in it anywhere in the world and actually be sat in your bedroom at home. Someone I know has over 600 FB friends but only ever met 6 of them. It's dodgy adding people you don't know as 2 friends of mine have had emails hacked after adding strangers.
    Sally from Devon

    1. Hello Sally. Thank you Wide awake as usual Sally. Social media can be useful in some ways. But to add complete strangers to your friends list is a silly thing to do. Hand held smart phones are the cause of mental disorders in children. Parents pandering to their kids requests for a phone because all their friends have one, is setting them up for a lifelong addiction. I see no future for those children.

  3. I am so happy I found you, I used to read your blog religiously 8 years ago. About a year ago I tried to find it again and had no luck finally came across it by accident. So glad to see your doing well. Will be reading to catch up now :)

    1. Welcome back. I'm still here. I weather the storm and get on with my life. You may find that there are some changes to my outlook on life. Before, I was more about money saving, frugal living, and a simple life. Now I am about freedom and how we are being brow beaten into follow a prescribed way of living, by the establishment. Don't get sucked in, make your own life. ilona

  4. Yes Ilona you are right to spread the message of not all following the same ridiculous path and to carve out the life we want for our self as much as possible.have you cut your hair off Ilona haha that's the sort of thing g I do mine is quite short now I got sizzor happy with it but doesn't look too bad on me could be worse lolxx

    1. Hair gone. It's outside on the lawn, the birds can use it for nest building. Nothing wasted.

  5. Isn’t she just, just like you Ilona!

    1. Nobody is like me. I am a one off.


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