Thursday, 1 December 2011

A good lungfull of farmyard pong !

I love my short frugal breaks, a change of scenery, new places to explore, it's very uplifting and keeps me sane. I've had two days of fantastic walking. Hardly had to wear a jacket at all, my body warmer over a fleecy top and sweatshirt was enough to keep me warm. I've been up and down hills, sloshing through muddy fields full of cow dung, paddling through more cow dung in farmyards, and clambering over stiles set in stone walls. It's been flippin fantastic.

I see Annie has asked a couple of questions about my walking. Hi Annie. Do I always go to the Derbyshire Peak District? No Annie, I go anywhere I want to go, but I have to think of cost. The reason I chose the hostels at Eyam and Hartington is because they are part of the special out of season offer. £8 and £10 per night. I am constantly checking the YHA web site for availability and prices. I also have to think of my travel expenses, and try to use the hostels which are nearest to me, to save on petrol costs.

You also asked if I have had any problems on walks, I assume you mean walking alone. No I haven't. I take precautions, always look around me, be aware of my surroundings, check no one is following me. I feel safest when I am the only person there. The fact that I don't see anyone for ages is a bonus for me, I love the isolation, I am very happy in my own company. I think you have more chance of being attacked in a town centre, now that does make me a bit nervous.

Well tonight I am sitting here all wrapped up in a chilly house. Last night I was sweltering hot lounging on a comfy sofa with my feet up, next to a roaring fire. It was pure bliss. I'd had a hot shower after my walk, and there was a healthy glow in my cheeks. The hostel was probably the best one I have ever stayed in, and all for £8 per night. You will see what I mean when I post the pics, definately five star status.
My brain is shutting down for the night, I'll catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip


  1. I can't wait to see the photos!

    Did you know that Youth Hostels are sometimes Mystery Shopped? You get to stay for free, have a meal if available and get paid a (small) fee. Of course you've got to take note of the facilities and service, and write it up.

  2. I love love love mystery shopping. Go for it! You pay for your accommodation and meal if available. You are repaid your costs and then get the small fee. I ate out at an expensive burger place tonight, shared it with a friend I invited along, and will get paid $7. That is not much, but I have three shops, all fast food, and will earn $21 for eating and typing. Just when I determined to lose weight, they called me. They tell me what choices I have when ordering, and they have a wide selection. The form to check boxes and write very short answers is not bad at all. Try it.

  3. Sounds as if you had a fab time, then. Can`t wait to see the pics.

  4. THanks for the answers. Happy walking

    midlands Annie

  5. I LOVE HARTINGTON HALL...people will be blown away when they see your photos!

    It was Mr Sft's first hostel and then he was hooked.

    We've just come back from Alfriston YHostel in East Sussex, walks on the South Downs from just outside the Hostel and the village is gorgeous.

    You'd enjoy it! They are also offering the £10 deal.

    Sft x


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