Saturday, 1 June 2013

An English village fete.

The weather was kind to us today . Most of the other stallholders had put their gazebo's up in case it rained, we took a chance and didn't bother. It threatened rain a couple of times when the clouds came, and it went a bit chilly, but luck was on our side, and the clouds passed over. We get our pitch free of charge because we are a local charity, which helps with the fundraising. I have all the tables and covers, left over from when I did events with my Mr Puss business. I only live a short distance away, so I am able to put them on a trolley and wheel them to the site. Three bits of wood and a couple of heavy duty clips, and we have a bar to hang our posters on.  
Here are some random pictures of a typical English village fete.
A lot of the stalls are fundraising for their own local charities.

The tea tent is doing very well.
There are lots of raffles and tombola's, and games to win prizes.
We have the WI cake stall here. Very popular. It wouldn't be the same without this.
Fundraising for the hospice. The supporters group in the village is very active.

Another pic of Janet and Sue, oh, and that's Linda and Bert on the right there.
It was a lovely day, we did very well on the stall, and it was a great way to meet all our friends. There is a good community spirit in our village, I like living here.

Tomorrow I hope to bring you a treat. I have met an interesting lady who lives in an interesting house, and tomorrow she is going to show me around it. Watch this space, you will like.
Toodle pip


  1. ohh cant wait for pictures of this ladies home. Its going to be like through the key hole! hooray

  2. Lovely to see that community spirit and I'm glad your stall did well. I'll look forward to your next post.

  3. Looks like the whole village turned out to the fete - hope you were able to raise lots for the cats xx

  4. So glad the weather was in your favour this year..and even better that the kitties have some more funds.
    Jane x

  5. It looks lovely and busy, I hope you made plenty of money. Looking forward to tomorrows post!

  6. It looks as if it was so much fun! Can't wait to see the house.

  7. Enjoyed your photos and post and I am intrigued about the house!

  8. Lovely photos! Thank you! Looking forward to tomorrow!

  9. Nice to see a propper village festival that`s well supported. I`m glad you had a good day, and I`m looking forward to your next post.

  10. We love local village fetes with things like throw the welly, sack races and silly things like tbat. You'll usually find us at the book stall or maybe the Cream Tea Tent!!

  11. Pleased you had a nice day and a made some money for your kitties. Well done.

  12. Looks like a good day for everyone. Wish we had village fetes around here but they are a rare occurrence.

  13. Greetings, Ilona. All that was missing from your delightful photos was Miss Marple. How did you find the village where you live? What made you pick it? And how did you know it was a little bit of heaven? Hugs from Elaine near Philly.l


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