Monday, 17 July 2017

Cheap hairdo

Hello. It's a gorgeous day outside, summer is back. There was a big turn out at Crafty Club this morning, a new member, and an old one came back after a break. I was a bit late getting there as usual and the session was in full swing. 
It was time I did something with my hair, looking a bit dull, needs a lift. This is close to my normal colour, the red has all gone so it's sort of brown. Luckily I don't seem to be going grey in a hurry, a few whispy hairs at the front and that's about it. I have been trimming the fringe when it flops into my eyes, but don't need to do a full head cut just yet. 
I've had a £1 hair colour in my bathroom for ages, so yesterday it was time to use it. The label on the box said, light blonde, I didn't want it too blonde just a bit lighter. I think it has worked out well, the colour has improved the condition of it.  I'll leave it a couple of months before I cut some off the bottom.

Now what's going on here? I have some plywood offcuts so I thought I would paint them, then see where it takes me. A bit like a jigsaw puzzle but none of the pieces fit together. I will play around with them, see what happens next, something will, I hope. A vision will appear, I hope.

I'm reading a good book at the moment, it's about Steve Jobs. What a fascinating character he was. His brain was very complicated and worked in mysterious ways. Pity he is no longer here, I'm sure there could have been a lot more to learn from him. It's a thick book so it will take me a while.

I'm scoffing a big salad for my lunch, glad to get back to healthy eating after five days away. Rocket, mushrooms, potato salad, cucumber, tomato, and cheese, with a dash of tartare sauce. I'll get off, must make the most of this fine weather. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. From what I see in the photo, this hair colour is perfect on you, I like it as well as any I have seen previously.
    What a bargain, think what you would have paid in the salon!

  2. You've done a good job on your hair Ilona-looks good.I came home from my hols grey.I plonked a wig on some days ,I did get a bit hot though .Once I bent down in a woodland to pick up Lily's do dah and the wig flipped off x

  3. I like your new hair style Ilona looking forward to what you do with the plywood.

    Hazel c uk

  4. Your hair looks good, all shiney and conditioned. You always seen to have plenty of paint for projects, where does it all come from? I know you buy test pots, and mention free paint, but with all your summer house painting and projects, you must spend a lot. So what is your secret of neverending paint, and how do you get "free" paint? Jean.

    1. I do remember Ilona saying her friend gave her several pots of paint she no longer needed

  5. Your hair look lovely and in good condition. I think I would be white if I didn't dye my hair but I only buy what's on offer'

  6. Your hair looks great, Ilona. Well done!

    I was thinking of you at lunchtime because, following your great example, I had made a packed lunch to take to work. But, in my rush to get out of the house, I forgot it! Doh! While I was out and about foraging for a cheap substitute, I heard some people talking about the new Greggs diet! I thought it might amuse you:

  7. Your hair looks good Ilona. Like you, l cut my own hair, but, l don't colour it. I'm happy to let it go grey.

  8. Your hair looks very pretty. Now that I'm over 50, I really like my "skunk stripe" and won't let the hairdresser colour it. I think the painted pieces would make a lovely collage, but then I'm very keen on 20th century modern art. Have fun! Hugs from Barbara (Canada)

  9. What is the book about Steve Jobs - I see there are several.

    1. Hi Susan. It is a biography by Walter Isaacson. 560 pages. It is based on more that forty interviews with Steve Jobs conducted over two years. Also interviews with more than a hundred family members, friends, and colleagues.

      This is a good link. Copy and paste

    2. Hi again. This is a new version and is not on Amazon. The first version is, you might want to check out the reviews.

  10. You have done a really good job of doing your hair yourself!,Its brilliant how you save money by not spending a load at the hair salons.Ive not been hairdressers for over 40 years! Ive got long hair with a fringe and just trim a bit of when it needs it.Well,today,the sun is shining here in Leic,I hope it stays that way cause i love spending time in the garden.I started my....regrown....lettuce off today,lol.My regrown celery is about 5 inches tall now so it does work!!.Im just not too sure when to cut it and eat it!..I think i will give it another couple off days cause it looks healthy enough.Hope the sun is shining for you all,Debi,Leic,x

  11. Hair looks nice. Good job coloring it and a very nice haircut. I see the plywood pieces as a mobile. Do you have one in the garden house? With your imagination you could liven it up so it would make sounds. Enjoyed the photos of your last outing. Thank you for sharing.

  12. yorkshire lass20 July 2017 at 17:22

    i found a good way to cut my hair in natural layers, lean forward with you head down and brush all your hair into a band at the hairline above the forehead and cut the length you want. mine is not long at the back so i just leave it. Easy.


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