Tuesday, 11 July 2017

Sightseeing in Carlisle

Hello. The day didn't start too well this morning, it was tipping it down with rain. I went straight to the railway station after breakfast and caught the train for Carlisle. It's a 1 hour 40 minute journey, and luckily the rain had stopped by the time we got there. A lot of other people had the same idea and most of the seats were filled. I got a window seat, I was hoping to see the Ribblehead Viaduct as we went over it. I was lucky that a nice man came and sat next to me. I hope he didn't mind too much that I never stopped rabbiting on about everything and anything. Unfortunately I wasn't paying attention to where we were, and I missed going over the Viaduct. Never mind, I can see it on the way back. 
This is Carlisle Station, there were lots of metal barriers at the front of it, couldn't work out why, no work was going on. Inside a lot of it was covered in huge wooden boxes which encased all the supports for the tons of scaffolding in there. A big renovation was underway, it looks like they are renewing parts of the roof. 
According to the web site, this is the Citadel which dates back to 1810.

 I followed the signs for Tourist Information and picked up a free street map.

It's in a big open space area with the Market Cross in front of it.

I took a few photo's of the Cathedral, and had a look inside. Sat for a few minutes reflecting how lucky I am.

I took a walk to the Castle entrance, it belongs to the National Heritage, I didn't go inside.

Instead I went a walk through Bitts Park.

And I got onto the Eden Bridge to go back into town.

The Market building is light and airy with a very high glass roof. The stalls are all modern and very colourful, and it's clean and tidy, no rubbish lying around.

This is the Hardwicke Circle underpass. I loved the murals on the walls. My kind of art, simple and colourful. The gardeners were busy sweeping up the debris and making the place look tidy. 

And here is the selfie you are all looking forward to, ha ha.

By about 3.30pm I had seen all I wanted to see. I was a bit disappointed that I found only one art gallery for which there was a charge, and no information as to what was in the exhibitions, so I gave it a miss. I was back at the station for 4pm and was able to sit on the train till it left at 4.18pm. This time other people were looking out for the Ribblehead Viaduct. Bit disappointing because you only get a glimpse of it. I expected to get the sensation of being very high up, because when you are looking up from the bottom it seems very high. But looking down it doesn't seem so high.

Now I can tick off Carlisle, been there seen it. A quick call in the Co op for a salad in a box for tea. A walking day tomorrow. I have a route in mind. Hoping for good weather.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Wonderful photos Ilona. You were so lucky with the weather. It's rained nearly all day in Nottingham.
    Jacquie x

  2. It looks like a lovely trip. I love rotunda (round) structures. The market and the murals seem quite attractive. Carlisle is well worth a visit.

  3. Drove to a meeting in Carlisle today and was thinking of you as you'd said you fancied Settle to Carlisle today. Weren't we lucky with the weather up there?

    1. Yes, we were lucky. Nice to get off the train into sunshine.

  4. I didn't mind at all, I enjoyed our little chat. Thanks for your company :)

    1. Likewise. Thanks for showing me pictures of your model making, you have a talent. I forgot your web site address, please email it to me. Thanks.

  5. Carlisle looks a nice place-like the market entrance,very tempting.Hope it's dry for you tomorrow x

  6. Thanks so much for keeping up posting as you go along, I am enjoying my mini-vacation living through your photographs ;). 107 here in Arizona, not a raindrop seen today...

  7. It sounds a really lovely day and the photos are great, thanks for sharing them.
    J x

  8. Carlisle looks lovely in the sunshine. I will be visiting Ribblehead Viaduct myself this week. X

    1. You will enjoy it. The views from the bottom are fantastic. When I stayed in the pub a couple of years ago it was a friendly atmosphere with good food.

  9. havent been there for years, seem to remember that the castle had a rather grand regimental museum that was free . It seemed to rain loads yesterday evening but ive just been down the garden and the potatoes are once again dry as a bone ..grrr so its join all the hosepipes day today

    1. Hi. My cat sitter said she hasn't had to water my garden, the rain has done it for her.

  10. Great photos!,It does you the world of good to get away for a few days!,I got back from Brighton in the early hours and had a brilliant time.Hope the weather stays good for you,Best wishes,Debi,Leicx

  11. Hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday and the sun shines for the remainder of the week. Take care and have fun.

  12. thanks for your photos; you should get commission from the Carlisle tourist board! it's now on my list for places to see one day.

  13. Carlisle looks a very interesting place to visit with some lovely old buildings. Yes the murals are just right for you so bright and cheerful. Thanks for the insight to a nice place. Enjoy your day tomorrow.
    Hazel c uk

  14. The murals remind me of some of your art, the trees I think :)


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.