Sunday, 9 July 2017

Love my boots.

Hello. Not your typical female shoe collection. Now which pair shall I choose?  
These will do nicely. I reckon about 40-ish miles.

We'll catch up soon, Toodle pip


  1. Enjoy your trip. I'm looking forward to reading all about it. X

  2. Have a fab time Ilona.
    Look forward to following your adventure.
    Jacquie xxx

  3. Happy wandering Ilona, enjoy yourself. Amanda

  4. Hi Ilona, been following your blog for over a couple of years now. Got a question that I don't think you have answered but you might well have so apologies if you have already. In your shopping trips do you ever use poundland? I know you have to be alert when using poundland as a lot of the stuff can be found elsewhere in other shops at cheaper prices and you have to be careful not to get caught out with the fact that everything is £1 so not as to add more, unnecessary things to your basket. Just something I am interested in as I watch the pennies!

    1. Hi. I occasionally go into Poundland, but as you say, it is not always the cheapest. They also sell a lot of tat, but I do buy odd items in there though,

  5. Good walking shoes/boots are important. I have only one pair, and was reflecting on this the other day. I have promised myself that I will start to buy more for myself.
    Alana x

  6. Looks like your off on another of your adventures again soon Ilona.Your walking boots remind me of Wainwrights x

  7. Have a lovely time Ilona. Kristel.

  8. looking forward to reading about your adventure in these boots...

  9. Looks like a good selection to me! I've got two pairs of trainers, black and blue to go with black and blue jeans (my one proud fashion statement) plus sandals for when it's too hot for trainers, walking boots and slippers (very important, always taken on holiday to promote relaxation). The day when I could give up smart work shoes was a very happy one!!!

    1. That last comment resonates with me! I was so glad not to have to wear "proper" shoes anymore! I still have my last pair of work shoes, they are my "best" shoes, so get worn once a year if that! They are 12 years old now, and not very comfortable. But they'll do, ha ha :)


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