Saturday, 8 July 2017

Living in harmony with cats. I'm boss.

Hello. Fun and games at Tightwad Towers this morning. Mayze has installed herself as head door keeper after Heidi managed to escape into the garden before she could do anything to stop her. Mayze likes to assert her authority on the basis of I was here first, latecomers are just serfs and need to be put in their place. 
Heidi knows she is now trapped outside, and looks pleadingly at me to intervene and let her back in. I want my breakfast mum, now pleeeeeese.

Garcia makes his entrance into the garden as usual. Spies Mayze on the other side of the cat flap and decides not to chance it and force an entry. He has been at the receiving end of her hissy fits before, he knows who is boss and decides to wait until the coast is clear before trying again.

Keeping a low profile as always is Micky. He thinks if he hangs around for a while someone might take pity on him and serve up a plate of nosh. He is not one to get into any fistycuffs, but if food is not forthcoming in about ten minutes he gives up and moves on to bimble around any other places on his scrounging list. Both he and Garcia have a home and both get fed, but you know what cats are like, always on the lookout for any other cat lovers mugs which might serve up something tasty.

Oh dear, I'm going to have to intervene and let Heidi in. She needs to have  her tablet before her breakfast. She is such a gentle cat and takes everything in her stride. The lifting her onto the worktop, wrapping a towel round her, and forcing my fingers between her teeth to open her mouth and pop in the pill. Then I whisper in her ear what a good girls she is, and she gets something nice to eat.

Looking like a sunny day today, hope it stays like this for a few days. I need to mow the lawn, wash the cat litter boxes, get a line of washing out, get the dyson out, and do a bit of housework. Right now my tum is rumbling so I will eat.

Thanks for popping in, have a good weekend, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Cats are hilarious! They have such emphatic personalities, and are so varied in temperament. Your gang never fails to amuse ...thanks!

  2. Life with cats is always interesting...yours have the good life for sure! Hope you have a good weekend too...

  3. Im gutted at the moment cause one of my 5 cats has been missing since Thursday morning.I have been all around where he goes,which is only up the close.Ive been asking people to look in their sheds and garages,but still nothing.I am so worried.Me and Hubby are booked in to go on the train to Brighton tomorrow until Tuesday night but it looks like we will have to lose it cause i cant go not knowing where he is.There has been 3 of us out looking since this morning but still no sighting.Ive phoned up all the local vets...just incase he had been in an accident...which is unlikely where i live...but still nothing.I am really worried,Debi,Leic,x

    1. one of my cats went missing for a few days - it was a hellish time. i put up a photo & contact details on many lampposts around my area. eventually I went out in the middle of the night when it was dark and quiet, in the hope she may venture out from wherever, when no humans around. i was lucky enough to find her then. good luck in your search.

    2. Sorry to hear about your cat, if it's lost or scared he'll be in hiding and venture out in the dark. mine was lost for fifteen hours the other day, I put milk and water outside. One hour after dark he came back scratching at the front door, I'd slept downstairs so I could hear him. I'd been frantic all day!!

    3. It's awful when a cat goes missing. Hope he is found soon, Debi.

  4. A cat came here and sat at the door and meowed for several hours. I opened the door and he tried to come in. When I had been at my friend's house, this cat was there. It hangs out here all the time. Finally, I mentioned something about his cat. No, it is not his, just looking everywhere for food. We figure he lives somewhere and is always looking for food.

    My other neighbor has a cat that jumps in any car door or house door that is open. It wants to be held, too. The owners care for the cat very well. So, it is not like it needs affection.

  5. cats are great characters! i like to think i'm the boss of mine, but not sure if it's true.

  6. Dogs have owners. Cats have staff! :)

  7. Good News!!!!!,My cat walked in about an hour ago!!,After weve spent all day looking for him,i was sat crying,and he just strolled in,looked at me as if to say....Whats the problem!!!..Then i was crying with happiness!!,So i will be having my short break in Brighton after all.My mam moves in to look after them so i know they will be well fussed while im away.Hope your all having a great weekend...i will now!!!,Debi,Leicx

    1. Excellent news! I'm glad this story has a happy ending!
      Hey Ilona, just catching up with you too, glad to see you are as busy and happy as always,xxxxx

    2. Good news that puss was found. Nice to hear from you SS.

  8. That's great news, Debi.

    Love looking at these cat pics Ilona, pets aren't allowed where I live and I do miss the company of animals. I've met animals in the past that I've preferred to real people lol.

  9. So pleased for you Debi. Have a great time in Brighton x

  10. I don't have any cats-but 3 dogs and it's quite a complicated relationship with each of them to explain.Also their relationships with each other are such a delight to see.Sometimes I feel my Lily looks at me to say ''leave it to me-I'll get the boys in''or she will step in if they start to grizzle at each other.But then sometimes it's only fair to let top dog the older dog get his wish.Mop dog is cute and tries his luck a bit too often,but sometimes he tries even Lily's patience x

  11. I'm glad you found your cat Debi. I only have one who is 15 years old. Most of the time he stays very close to the house but several times he has gone missing and I have been frantic with worry until he returned.

    Ilona, how many pets do you have now.

    1. Hi Gail. Just the two, Mayze and Heidi. Sticking with that for now, makes it easier for my cat sitter, and for me to get them in at night.

  12. Basics chicken paste or similar eliminates stress of giving cats tablets, plus they get a treat - source? My late 18yr old cat was happy as anything for the 2yrs she got a treat with her tablet, and no forcing a cat's mouth open!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.