Friday, 22 November 2019

Handing this post over to you.

 This is not the first draft of this post, I have just deleted that. I am in the middle of a maze trying to find my way out. I will do soon. Can't force it, it will come. In the meantime, talk among yourselves. Any topic you like, I will just watch.   ilona


  1. Hello Hope you are OK? Just found you on Twitter x

    1. Yes, I am fine thank you. I don't do much on Twitter.

  2. Even when you have nothing to say you still brighten my day and make me chuckle. Thank you x

  3. So funny! I am planning for Thanksgiving (I am hosting) and have long lists of things to buy and dishes to prepare and things to do. Trying to maintain calm while my mind is going crazy! I have lots of time to get ready (I am RETIRED now!) So just need to get on with it! Anyway, thanks for letting me vent! Good luck with your post!

    1. Sometimes you just have to let go of frustrations.

  4. Tranquila y descansa. Estaremos esperando tus publicaciones. Un beso muy fuerte.

    1. Gracias. Estoy descansado, sintiendo que estoy perdiendo el control. Mucho mejor ahora, mantenerse ocupado es la respuesta. Mucha suerte.

  5. Hope all is well with you Ilona.
    Wishing you well, Marlene x

  6. Sometimes those mazes just sneak up and surround us don't they? I am sure you will find your way out soon. XXXXX

    1. Things on my mind, things I have no control over. Need to keep busy.

  7. Me too. I am loving the Chrsitmas decorations you are making. So bright and colourful :D

    1. I like Christmas Decorations but I don't put any up. I like making them and giving someone else the pleasure of them.

  8. I hope everything is okay Ilona. We will be here for you.
    Keep warm.
    Hazel c uk

  9. Just enjoy the"me time"Ilona and take a deep breath in through the nose,hold for a few seconds and out through the mouth- I am as for some reason with all the talk of Christmas which I don't really do now,I'm starting to get overwhelmed.I have a lovely new dog who needs calm and is weeing everywhere and is nervous of things.I am taking as much time as I can to relax and unwind x

  10. Dear Ilona, These "mazes" tend to sometimes sneak up on a person, don't they? Hang in there, we readers will hold the fort for you until the words come to you.

    1. Trying to work things out in my head, I sometimes think I can see things that no one else can see. I write things down then change my mind and decide to keep my thoughts to myself.

    2. Precisely. There are our 'head' thoughts that in and of themselves are very valid, but not for publication to the world. I've also deleted many things after mulling them around in my mind - it's safer in the long run.

  11. I haven't commented before, but I wanted to this time. I hope you're all right. I really enjoy your spirit and creativity, it reminds me of the ladies I used to craft with as a child. You are so clever with your hands and your independence cheers me - it makes me feel better about my own life :) More things seems possible when I read what you do!

    1. I agree with this post 100%! None of us know what the future will bring, I think most of us just hope to have choices with regard to how we live our lives, doing our best to make the most of it, and decide for ourselves what brings us joy. Ilona, you are always a bright spot in my day, look forward to your posts, and especially your YouTube videos! Keep up the great work that you do just by sharing your life with all of us. :-)

    2. Thank you both. I find more comfort from what I do with my hands, than what I do with my head. My brain gets clogged up sometime.

  12. Don't comment as often as I should but love your blog! You'll get me out walking- I need the push! Thanks from Florida.

    1. Well Sondra, I have just gone over the 900 mark, so pleased with that. A good walk clears my brain.

  13. I've had a crazy day and suffering from overload. Selling a property is exhausting.

    1. I can well believe it. Thankfully when I sold my last house I left it all to the estate agent, I wasn't there.

  14. Good morning gorgeous day in southern Australia. Just back from early morning walk along the beach. The bay water was like a mirror with the sun shining on it. This week we have had daytime high temperatures of 17deg C and one day briefly hit 40 deg C. Should be a perfect 22deg today, we have 'climate change' everyday!

    1. Good evening. A walk along the beach sounds like heaven.

  15. I just got an email from my daughter thanking me for the Cadbury chocolate Advent calendar I sent her. My Mum was British so we keep up the family traditions.

    1. Chocolate advent calendars are very popular. If someone gave me one it wouldn't be very long before all the windows were open.

  16. Hope you and your furry friends are ok.
    Another Aussie here, Queensland is having full on Summer mid 30's most days and bushfires going nuts, closest one to me was 30klm , controlled now.
    Spending time on my lovely deck reading and knitting and when it gets too hot I sew inside, just made 3 cushions from my hand dyed Shibori fabric.
    Ok everyone, what are you up to ? Let's keep up the distracting chat.

    1. I've been reading about the bush fires, it's very sad. The pictures are horrific.

  17. Thank you to those who have popped in to say hello. I was feeling swamped with too much stuff, so I've made a start in tidying it up. Trying to be brutal and chuck things that I am never going to find a use for. Too much clutter, I can't find anything, need to be realistic and only keep what I know I will use. The spare room aka the storeroom, is looking a bit better. I'll carry on with it tomorrow.

    1. Good morning Ilona!.Ive managed to get my spare room back into a bedroom this week.One of my grandaughters stayed for a few days so I knew that it had to be done.It hurts doesnt it to get rid of stuff,but a lot of my clutter was able to go to the local animal charity shop,so I told myself that every item that was going out would sell to buy food for the animals that have been made homeless for one reason or another...that took some of the hurt away!I know what it feels like to look at stuff and dont know where to start.And the thing is apart from charity shop clothes,I havent bought anything for years so it shows just how long it had mounted up.As it is I have taken one car load to the charity carboot is full with another load..and the garage still has a load more in there.Not all mine but daughters and grandkids stuff as well.I have already got rid of lots this year but it does still seems a never ending battle.But now that Ive started and can see a slight improvement,lol..I am going to carry on!.To be honest I havent missed anything that I have got rid of so far this year.Hope that you can part with some more stuff today..clearer space gives a clearer mind!! they tell me,lol.Its very true though!,xx

    2. Hi Debi,I wondered where you were.Well done you!for having a big sort out.I'm going to be found under a big pile of stuff one of these days if I don't pull my socks up.Thinking about all the food your stuff will buy the homeless animals is lovely of you x

    3. Thank you for the updates Debi and Flis.

  18. Hi again Ilona-I've had a busy day with my dogs,but for some reason it's all been too much.I dropped off to sleep for a couple of hours sitting in an armchair and about 9pm I awoke feeling stronger.I just thought I'd check in to see if you had posted-sounds like you've had a fruitful dayI really must follow suit as my house is Full of stuff and it's difficult for me to try to keep it tidy and clean -Rock on Ilona x

    1. Hi. I sometimes have a yawning session in the middle of the day and have to close my eyes in a soft chair for half an hour.

  19. Hi Ilona,
    I’ve been a long time reader of your fab blog and love your no nonsense approach to life. You inspired me to start walking every day, I did start the 1000 mile challenge but it fizzled out, I do however still walk our little woofs twice a day and I ride my bike to work most days, so I am getting some exercise in.

    I’ve been off work this past week for a one week holiday, we were going to go camping but we’ve had the most terrible bush fires here in Queensland and where we go was affected, so we decided to have a staycation instead and it’s been lovely. Got a lot done in the garden which was wonderful.

    We are in drought conditions so we’ve decided not to plant anything in the garden till autumn, this past week I have added lots of compost, wettasoil, seasol and mulch to each raised garden bed and have effectively put them to bed for the summer. We have 5 water tanks full of water but I won’t waste our precious water just trying to keep plants alive, it’s just too heartbreaking.

    Well that’s a little update from me, I look forward to reading your blog updates, they are always interesting.
    Thank you

    1. Thank you Fi for your update. The fires are terrible. Your life over there is very different from ours here. Our hot weather only lasts a short time, then it's gone. We are in the rainy season again.

  20. I am sitting here with the news that an elderly friend has passed away...I need to tidy my place, too. Thank you for all of your posts and your colorful creations. I really enjoyed your trucking life series a while ago.Best of luck with your post and chores.

    1. Sorry about your sad news. When my brain gets stuck the best thing I can do is switch it off and keep busy.

    2. Thanks, I agree and did so. Have a nice weekend.

  21. All who wander are not lost.

    I enjoy checking in with you each day. You encourage me to walk more.

    1. I am not lost for long, just lose focus from time to time. Walking helps.

  22. I always enjoy posts on how you strreeetttcchh your money. Including how you've been able to afford those wonderful walking trips! Do you have a regular savings for it? Do you take those $$ from a specific account? Or do you deliberately cut back in other areas, to help out?

    We have a wonderful opportunity coming up: a world cruise from Jan - early May. But currently it is just NUTTY trying to get the visas ironed out. They'll take Husband -- or me. Or vice versa. But it is like pulling teeth to get us both approved. Thankfully, for 29 countries, we only have to get 5 visas, and our passports are current. But still -- AAARRRGHGGHGHGHGHGHG (p.s. yes, we saved like crazy to do this lifetime wish. See (a 3-part series) if you're curious.

    1. Hello Cindy. I don't separate my money into pots, it stays in the bank and the numbers go up because I don't spend very much. I know how much there is and what I can afford. I don't need to cut back on anything because my needs are very simple. I am in a much better position now.

      Your holiday sounds ace, and well done in recognising that you have to save up for big purchases. I bet you are very excited, you will have a marvellous time.

  23. Would be writer, have started a long novel and short stories. Now want to start another set - must focus, advice would be good here. Don't want to give up but much too hyper critical of own work, when I read some of it aloud to friends they really laugh.

    1. Do you write comedy? Is that why they laugh? If not then you need to dump those unkind friends.

    2. Thats just what I was thinking Penny.It is more positive to have nice people around you.Follow your dreams Alicesav and good luck with your writing,xx

    3. Thank you for your replies. I wasn't intentionally comedic but I must admit I get the same reaction from different people. Thanks for your advice. xx

    4. Writing is such a hit and miss affair. I can bash a few paragraphs out on a keyboard and it will look pretty much ok. Then go back later to check and edit it and think what a load of codswallop, and start again. Keep going Alice.

    5. Thank you Ilona, I have never told anyone I am writing before and felt very safe telling you and the gang. xx

  24. Hi All - Ilona says talk amongst yourselves... many here are really good at crafts - any suggestions for adults wanting to use crafts as a de-stress? Those not already crafty?

    1. Making things is a form of de stressing for me. It's like my destiny is in my hands rather than in my head. I can switch off.

  25. I always find Ilonas videos the most relaxing to watch,because she shows you in detail,how to make simple things that turn out lovely.It is as though you are sat in front of her at her table!.From the brooches she makes..quite easy for me cause I like fast results, her doing weaving,which Im not so good at!.But have a brows through them,Im sure you will find them interesting.Im sure there will be something for you there,that you can pick up and do even when your watching telly or listening to music.xx

  26. I am hoping that I can still add a quick comment here..a day late!.Conkers for washing clothes...well how to do it is still on the internet and all those who tried it and still doing it ...Great!!.I am still on the first lots of conkers,that I crushed up and put in a pasta sauce jar,well over a month ago.I just keep topping up with hot water,shake to see if its still frothy and pour into a plastic cap from an old plastic bottle of £1 washing liquid...I had been buying the cheap stuff for a few years now.But for free it is even better!.I know that alot of people on the frugal blogs tried doing it..but I wondered how many still are? My mam has gone back to the pound washing liquid...even though I would make the conker wash for her!She says that she can afford to buy it...but surely free is better?.xx

    1. You can comment on any post you like, whenever you like. I am getting them on posts several years old.

    2. I hope that you are past your blip..and carried on clearing your spare room,lol.2 of my cats were laid on the clean bedding in my new spare room bedroom today..I just thought,oh well,and half closed the door.My grandaughter loves them so she will just have to share,lol.I hope that you are having a productive weekend.I got rid of 6 more bags of stuff today and was so pleased that the Animal Charity shop was putting the stuff out as I gave it to them.I hope that it is ok to mention,but it is the Redgate Farm charity shop on Fosse Rd,Leicester if any of your readers live nearby.They are always glad of donations and sell their stuff very cheaply.xx


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.