Friday, 28 July 2023

Day out in Nottinghamshire.

That was a long walk. I used to be able to do between 15 and 20 miles a day, sometimes more, but not now. Today I did 11 miles. I was heading for Nottinghamshire, but didn't need to go as far as Southwell this time. Not far from the A614 is Farnfield. I drove through it when I was last down this way. 
I parked my car at the picnic area on the Southwell Trail. This is a long straight track that used to be a railway line. Now it's for walkers, cyclists and horse riders. My walk took me to Bilsthorpe, Eakring, and Kirklington, than back along the track to Farnsfield. 
I missed a turn at Eakring and ended coming down a long stretch of road. The turn I wanted would have been a much better walk along footpaths. Never mind. I always get there in the end. 
I made a couple of videos at two of the churches. I'll upload them tomorrow. But for now I'm going to relax before bed time. Catch ya tomorrow. Have a nice weekend. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Excited to see the videos 😊😊

    1. I'll get the first one out later today. Hope you like churches ;o)

  2. It sounds like you had a great day out and about!.I bet you slept well last night getting all that fresh air.Im looking forward to seeing your videos,although I wont be able to watch them until tomorrow night because as I mentioned yesterday,Im off to the sea side tomorrow!.I might even go mad and treat myself to a bag of chips,lol.Hope you have a lovely weekend.xx

    1. No reading in bed after that walk. Head on pillow, I was soon in the land of nod.

  3. oh Ilona you still do so well with your walking. I wish I could walk half as far as you do. Me and Vince do the canal walk from Willington Village to Mercia Marina.Have you been there? Maybe call in on your next trip to Burton.

    1. It's lovely and calming to walk next to water. I have walked along the Trent in that area.

  4. Really pleased you had a good walk and day out. Many thanks for showing me the Southwell Trail as I didn’t know about this and it looks a good one for a bike ride.

    1. I think a lot of these old railway line trails are better for biking. It seems to take an age to get very far when walking. They are all long, flat, and straight, with not much to look at. Might be ok for local dogwalkers, or families with small kids, or even oldies who like biking. I saw an elderly couple on their bikes and wished I had one, to get me to the end a bit quicker.


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