Saturday, 29 July 2023

False claims


Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
Expanding the ULEZ was not an easy decision, but it will save lives. The easy decision would have been to kick the can down the road. But were we to do that, thousands more people would die prematurely. London deserves better than the dangerous, polluted air we have today.

Expanding ULEZ is part of the WEF plan. You were ordered to do it.
You could have delayed it to give people time to organise their personal budgets. Now a lot of people will go further into debt and possibly lose their homes.
How many thousands more people would die prematurely. How do you know? A computer model no doubt. Computers know everything.
What are you going to do about all the polluted air coming across from China as they build more coal fired power stations.
The best thing people can do is to move out of London.



  1. As I recall from stats published by the London authorities there was no change in air quality after introduction of the original low emissions zone, and the projected health benefits of the expansion are laughable and totally unrealistic.

    1. Yes, I saw that report. People are going to be at their wits end. I can see the suicide rate increasing as they struggle to cope. Domestic violence will rear it's ugly head as the arguments begin to escalate. They are the people who are going to die prematurely.


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