Saturday, 29 July 2023

Walking to Bilsthorpe.

A nice day for a walk in Nottinghamshire. I parked my car in Farnsfield, and got on the Southwell Trail to Bilsthorpe. These types of trails are a bit boring, not much to look at. Thankfully no rain all day. 
I saw two very big Solar Farms in the distance. At first I thought they might be water, but there are no ponds on the map. I zoomed in for a better look. Nope, not water, plastic solar panels.

St Margaret's Church at Bilsworth. 
The door was locked, can't get in. Let's have a look at the outside and the graveyard. I had a nice chat with a man who was doing some hedge trimming. The grounds were very tidy. 
There is a Facebook page for this church if you want to have a look. It has a video of the vicar giving a service.  
I've got another video for tomorrow. Hope you like churches. 😁
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Yet more ruination of agricultural land in pursuit of the subsidy cash there.

    1. That's what I thought. It looked horrible. There was a lot of it.


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