Friday, 21 July 2023

Girl power.

It's been a busy old week trying to keep up with the gardening in between showers. The hedges are looking good now, but it's an ongoing task to keep on top of the lawn mowing and the weeding, and the repotting. The brown garden waste bin is full already and there is still another week and a half to go before they empty it again. I always put the excess into the grey wheelie bin which goes off to landfill. They never question it. This week we had a lady bin lorry driver, which I was pleased to see. On the same day a council grass cutting machine was mowing all the verges. A young lady was driving that as well. 
The coffee morning on Wednesday, was an afternoon tea event, just for a change. I took my friend Gloria, it's the first outing she has had for almost a year. The furthest she has been is a chair in the back garden. She wasn't impressed with the bumpy ride in the wheelbarrow though. 😄 I made an effort and dressed up for the occasion. 😎

 I have nothing planned for the weekend, but a dentist appointment is booked for Monday morning, to see if they can repair my broken tooth. 

Have a good weekend whatever you are planning to do. We'll catch up soon. 

Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Hello Ilona I really like your trouser leggings there what I would call groovy they suit your cheerfull personality Gloria looks great too lolx

    1. Hello Jo. I originally bought the leggings for Gloria, but when I found they fit me, I snaffled them. I gave her my flowery skirt instead.

  2. Lol,I didnt realise that Gloria was so tall.I have now got this image of you pushing a wheel barrow along the street with Gloria sat in it with her handbag on her knee,lol.She looks amazing and you do too in your snazzy leggings.Brilliant!!xx

  3. Hi llona keep going ,you are doing some good in this world, dont let the trolls get you down xxxMary


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