Monday, 24 July 2023

The tooth of the matter . . .

Good morning. I am eating my breakfast, cereal, nuts and seeds, all finely ground in a mini chopper, with a banana. I can't chew hard food these days. Trying to keep hold of the teeth I have left. I am off to the dentist in half an hour, to see if Sophie can repair my broken tooth. It's part of a bridge so there will be no pain. Not sure what the outcome will be. I don't want her to attack it and the whole bridge have to come out. If there is any doubt that she can do a good job with no complications, I will leave it as it is. People have said it is not noticeable.
I knocked out this video yesterday, so I will post it here. 
Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Love your colourful top!

    1. Thank you. It's old, from a charity shop, made with beautiful soft silk.

  2. Oh you are brave going to the dentist!.I have been terrified of them due to being roughly held down and knelt over as a child.Came out there with blood pouring out my mouth that didnt stop for about 3 days.So that left me with a life long fear!.I so agree with what you say in your video.It isnt a is a fact!.I fear though that a lot of people are just walking straight into it with even stopping to think about it.Hope the sun is shining for you like it is here in Leicester...for a change,lol.xx

    1. I didn't go to the dentist when I was young, because of a horrible experience. Now I am fighting to save the teeth I have. False gnashers are not something I want to end up with.

  3. Well said IIlona. People are letting themselves be controlled and they don't even realise how they are being manipulated. It can be so subtle too from the way you are drawn into buying goods in the supermarket to being coerced into getting a smart meter or having to bank online. It truly is scary stuff our liberty is slowly but surely being eroded and we need to take action now or suffer the consequences. Keep posting and getting this knowledge out there lovely lady xx

    1. I can only pass on the way that I see it. The Government Nudge Unit will continue to steer us in the direction they have planned for us. It's a psychological war. People are so trusting of what comes out of the television screen, the only way they they can reassure themselves that they are right is by rubbishing anyone with a different viewpoint. I am pleased to see that some of my readers are waking up. It gives me hope.

  4. Don’t know where you and your followers live, but I’m completely free. Of course if you only follow social media, there are lots of people pushing some bizarre theories, that gullible people believe because they don’t like hearing the actual truth. No one is controlling me , I can come and go, no one is taking my house or my money away.
    What liberties have been taken away from you ?

    1. Ah but that is now. You clearly haven’t been trying to connect the dots and put together their plan. If you have done as much research as Ilona has done you would realize they are all controlling the politicians. It’s all there if you just open your eyes and stop believing everything you read in the MSM. If people don’t wake up they are in for a terrible shock.

    2. What a load of rubbish Rachel. What you have written makes no sense - who are these “they” and how on earth do you think all politicians are being controlled! For heavens sake there have been three PMs in the UK in a year - hardly all controlled. Completely uncontrolled if you ask me

    3. Genuine question, I’d like to learn more. Who is ‘they’? Liz

    4. Anonymous, Rachel is right. If you have not been following social media, how do you know that there are lots of people pushing bizarre theories? You are completely wrong in that assessment. You might think you are completely free, and you might have a degree of freedom at this moment in time, but if you are not aware of what is coming down the line then you will have a rude awakening.

      Like you, I am free to come and go as I like. My state pension is adequate to live on, but that is not going to last forever. The UK is in massive debt, as is the rest of the world. The rich people are running the show, and the banks will collapse at some stage. What then? I once stated that the Federal Reserve has lost, misplaced, 21 trillion dollars, it is now much worse, I have seen the figure of 31 trillion. This is why they are panicking. One day there will be no money left. The UK debt is already at a record high.

      The corrupt Governments are working for the Globalists. The only way they can get things on the right track is to reduce the worlds population. It started with fear, the nasty bug as I call it was meant to scare people into compliance, and it worked. The fear continues with the climate crisis, which isn't crisis. Their aim is to dilute the family unit, they do that by telling kids they can change their gender. This ensures that those kids will be at the mercy of the pharmaceuticals for life.

      The consequences of bullying people into taking the treatment for the nasty bug will continue for years. Once inside the body it cannot be removed. Contain people in the Western World to where they live, get them hooked on their handheld electronic smart phones, take over all their financial transactions with the Central Bank Digital Currency. Their lives become so miserable they turn to drugs. Look what is happening in parts of the US. People have lost the will to live, they are dying in the streets because they can see no hope for the future.

      But if you think that is a theory, take a look at the World Economic Forum web site. It's all documented there. Watch the elite move around the world in their private jets, their gas guzzling monster cars, then retire to their billion £ properties with security staff patrolling the grounds.

      I am not trying to change your mind, you can believe what you want. I wish you a good life whatever you decide to do.

    5. An exactly how do you think this 1% tell the governments what to do? Just think of all the translators that would be needed. You really think that Zuckerberg and Musk are singing from the same song sheet.

      To say “governments don’t have any money” is just not the case. try googling “US reserve assets”.

      Try to think how this disparate group of rich people would all come together to decided what “the plan” is and then how would this be communicated to every government in the world. It makes no sense. There are countries at war for heavens sake.

      BTW I think Rachel is a troll just parroting stuff so that you would post it.

    6. You can believe what you want, Georgie. A couple of points. They come together alright, Davos for one. They are a tight nit community, they are connected electronically. As I said, money talks. Most speak English, and there are translators. You can translate any language into any language. Google translations. Even some of the richest will not agree on everything. Wars are another matter. All planned by people with money of course.

    7. Right, Musk, Zuckerberg, Gates and Buffet planned the war between Russia and Ukraine. Ridiculous.

    8. If you really want to know about the war, try this. It started in 2014.

  5. Thank you Ilona, I’ll check them out. Love your blog. Liz

  6. On Twitter this morning.
    NET ZERO - The UK government has announced £680 million for a high speed railway in … TURKEY!! Yes Tax payers! We’ve cancelled your levelling up railway and funded theirs instead!

    Every year there are wildfires in Greece & have always been. When we hear claims that anything is ‘undeniable’ then word science - we know it’s attempt to shut down debate. “Undeniable, say scientists” Science is method of study. Oh & then there’s the arsonists…

    Mixed sex sports day races at primary schools? What an effective way to exclude young girls from physical competition and winning at an early age. Boys and girls develop differently - that is just a biological fact. We are living in a mad world and it's getting worse.

  7. All the banks in my local area have now closed down. Looks like we'll being moving to digital currency whether we want to or not.

  8. Not wrong there, the world is changing fast and not for the better.

    1. Definitely not for the better. I don't want to be told what I can and can't spend my money on. Every transaction that goes through digitally leaves a footprint. Data is big business. The more they know about you the more they can control your movements.

  9. Yes, more people are preferring to use digital currency but the government has no plan to stop cash being used . There are 45,000 cash machines throughout the UK and billions of pounds in circulation. Digital currency is actually quite easy to use. You can still use cash if you want to.
    If some places don’t want you to use cash then just use digital currency or shop somewhere else .

    1. Their plan goes far beyond the choice between cash or card. You obviously have no idea what the world will be like with no cash at all. It will come, maybe not in our lifetime. It's in our best interests to delay it for as long as we can, for the sake of our children.

  10. Where in the world do you get your ideas from?
    “Corrupt governments trying to dilute the family unit”
    Is this a joke blog because some of your ideas are so ludicrous , there are hardly words to describe some of your theories .

    1. You can choose to think differently. So why do you keep coming here just to pull me apart. You must have a very sad life. By the way, they are not theories, they are happening, and if you are too willfully blind to see that then you really should give up reading my blog.

  11. When misinformation appears on social media it needs to be called out.

    1. When misinformation, otherwise known as lies, is shoved down our throats from the main stream media, it needs to be challenged.

  12. Lots of comments to this post were deleted. I am not going to get into verbal warfare. These are my opinions, gleaned from the information I pick up from all over the internet. You may have your own opinions. I urge you to write your own blog to get things off your chest.

  13. Hi Ilona. Late to the party I know but I certainly agree about the footprint that our cashless spending leaves. If I’m going into a shop or whenever I am physically paying for something, I always use cash. I do buy things online but I’m really going to stop doing that where I can. I notice in the news recently that the DWP is going to have the ability to look into the bank accounts of people on benefits-whenever they like. This doesn’t affect me but it will in a couple of years when I get the state pension. Seemingly, the state pension is administered by the DWP and they will be looking into the bank accounts of those on the state pension; even though it’s not means tested and is just what we’re entitled to after working for donkeys years! I’m going to try and pay everything with cash if I can.


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