Monday, 31 July 2023


 Sorry, no post today. Been busy catching up on some new conspiracy theories. Some fascinating stuff coming down the line. I won't tell you what they have in store for us, don't want to spoil the surprise. Anyone want to join me down the rabbit hole, don't forget your tin hat. I must get a new one, mine is getting a bit battered. Must go, a couple more vids to watch before bed time.  

Catch ya later.  Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. Lol,my tin hat has a few dents in it as well but I keep it highly polished and ready for battle!!xx

    1. Stay alert Debi. You be the lookout for any suspicious activities.

    2. Oh I am staying alert,lol.Too be honest I have been staying alert for over 30 years.My dear late Dad knew what was happening and he was so right.The activities are not even suspicious anymore....they are being done blatantly right in front of us all,and a lot of people are still not seeing it!.But like you,I will not surrender!!xx

  2. The conspiracy theories that all turned out to be true. Still people believe our corrupt government has our best interests at heart and not lining their own pockets.

    1. Strange that isn't it. Slowly one by one the cracks in the facade are beginning to appear. The biggest landgrab, and redistribution of wealth among the elite, and people don't notice.


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