Thursday, 20 July 2023

Killer food

 My dad was 46 when he died. He dropped dead in a shop as he was collecting a suit from a gentleman's outfitter. He was far from home where he used to live with us. Mum and dad separated a few years before. He moved for work and found lodgings with a landlady that cooked for him and did his washing. 

Why such an early death? I believe it was because of his unhealthy lifestyle, and his attitude towards life in general. He denied his kids a family life. He thought his main role was to go to work, earn the money, hand over some of it to his wife, and spend the rest of it down the pub with his mates. Me and my siblings missed out on what a real family is supposed to be. He came home drunk and we listened to the rows from our bedrooms. My mum had to double up as both mother and father to us. 

Smoking sixty Capstans a day and downing many pints of beer every night was not a good recipe for a long life. It caught up with him. 

Looking after your health has got to be priority, unless of course if you want to take risks with eating  rubbish food, and boozing until your brain is reduced to a pulp, you may well find that eventually your body gives up. Anyone with addictions would do well to get help. 

Sick people are a godsend to Big Pharma, the drug pushers as I call them. They are happy when people trash their health and go to the doctor for medicine to cure whatever ailment they have through their unhealthy habits. Don't worry, there will be a pill to put things right, with a big fat payout to their shareholders.  

A lot of food is poison and should never be eaten. There should be health warnings on it. Eat this crap and you will be one step closer to death. Another bottle of vodka and your liver will be pickled. And now they are working on synthetic shit produced in a lab. Just say no. 

Dr Aseem Malhotra says in this video, 'You can't drug people into being healthy'. He made this speech before the plandemic. Watch the video and read the comments. 

"Most medical research is financed by pharma companies: this creates a conflict of interest whereby many studies & clinical trials are intentionally designed to make drugs look good by exaggerating benefits, & ignoring side effects, even when severe."

I look after an elderly neighbour who takes a huge amount of medications. I have witnessed doctors talking to her and they never ask about her diet (it's appalling). She recently called the GP about diarrhea and he proscribed anti-diarrhea tablets without a single question.

Mainstream overmedication needs mainstream media coverage, but almost never gets it. Sad to see, but not nearly as sad as seeing loved ones struggle with pills to “fix” the side effects of the other pill.

Looking like I can get back out into the garden. The sun is shining. 

We'll catch up soon. Toodle pip. ilona


  1. Some people eat healthily all their lives, don't drink or smoke and still get cancer and die at 61.

  2. Having just finished reading he book Ultra Processed People an awful lot is now clearer to me. That the big food producing companies have such close links to the pharmaceutical industry is despicable. They sway the research findings to say whatever they want them to say, totally ignoring the health of the nation in favour of profits for their shareholders. Your brain is literally re-wired by eating ultra processed foods, (and in the case of young children wired this way from birth) but hey, don't worry you can buy this medication or that medication to 'cure' the ADHD, the indigestion, the food allergies etc etc.

    1. I will look for that book. Thanks.

    2. You are correct again, Ilona! Get the UPP book ... it is an eye opener and really makes sense.

  3. Personally Traveller, I think you are stupid, but have a great day. Go away and play on John's blog.

    1. Can't help yourself can you. Back again with another load of garbage.

    2. Back again Traveller. Are we playing tit for tat, who is going to have the last word? Well it definitely won't be you. How childish.

  4. Ilona, I agree 1000%. It is just insane what has happened to food, exercise, and our perspectives. I just read the book Outlive by Dr Attia. He was also interviewed by Jordan Peterson in the past month on you tube. Makes the same points you do, exercise is the key followed by nutrition. Thank you for posting this, folks need to do a bit more thinking how what they do and how they eat affects their health. Hilogene in Az.

    1. Hello Hilly. I was shocked to see so many overweight people at the Craft Fair on Sunday. Some of them very overweight, many of them on mobility scooters.

    2. Ilona, I read that for Americans 60 years and older, 80% of them are pre diabetic or diabetic, that is horrifying. I don’t have the obesity numbers but assume that are equally high! All the advertised fixes for these issues are NOT exercise and proper nutrition but drugs. And so while I hate to join the anti “big pharma” crowd, I guess I have. hilogene in Az.

    3. Hilly, I have a friend who was diagnosed as pre diabetic, borderline. She refused to go on meds, preferring to change her diet. She did ok for a while, lost some weight, but then the doctor told her that if she doesn't go onto tablets, her organs could be damaged. She changed her mind and started taking them. You don't have to be anti anything, just use your common sense.

  5. Absolutely spot on as always Ilona.

    When I worked in the NHS the number of morbidly obese nurses and support workers was absolutely staggering and there were a fair number of overweight doctors too. I always felt they were a terrible example of health promotion and gave the message that being fat was ok. All these people will eventually be needing hip and knee replacements and presenting with multiple medical problems which need pills and surgery. Whilst I accept that a small minority will lead a healthy lifestyle and still succumb to cancer etc I believe a lot of conditions are a direct consequence of lifestyle choice. My bio Dad died of a heart attack at the age of 46 and I believe this was due to how he chose to live his life. Some people need to start taking a lot more responsibility for their health and well being.

    1. Thank you for sharing your experiences of the NHS. A subject I know very little about as I have managed most of my life to avoid hospitalisation.

  6. Unfortunately there are also illnesses which we have no control over. Some are definitely affected by lifestyle, but many are genetic. That's just down to bad luck, not bad choices. But in a way I agree with you Ilona, I just don't understand people who won't help themselves. Karen

    1. Yes, eating good food will not cure everything.

  7. Oh Ilona, you are so right about Big Pharma, they love to have people stuck taking multiple meds which do NOT cure. They have no financial reason to find drugs that cure people, life long customers are what they create. They sure made big bucks on the plandemic and a new one will soon appear so they make more money. Also, people who take lousy care of themselves are very expensive for the rest of us to maintain. How sad your father died so young, my mom did too.

    1. The more I read about the shenanigans that go on in the food and pharma industries, I can see the connections. They feed off each other. Invent as much crap food as they can, and people will need medicines and pills for gut problems.

  8. I agree Ilona and so sorry to hear of your childhood.No child should be denied a happy up bringing .And does depend on the parents life style.Im sure your Mam did her best for you and your brother and sister,bless her.I try to live as healthy as possible too.I want to be around to be a Great grandma,lol and try to set a good example to the rest of my Family.Although my Mam would live on chips and chocolate....not both at the same time,lol.She is 90 soon,but not a drinker...apart from a snowball at Christmas.....and not a smoker.My uncle died at 47,smoked about 40 Woodbine a day and drank every evening.xx

    1. We have enough information now about what is good food and what is bad food. People think good food is expensive, but it isn't, so they go for the convenience of ready meals.

  9. My dad died aged 42 but probably didn't eat the best diet. I'm growing all my own veg now and we eat it fresh picked every day. Have you any plans for car camping. We're planning on buying a small van when we change our car. We love car camping and a van will give us a bit more flexibility.

    1. My mum was limited to what we could afford to eat. It was all home cooked though.
      Email me for a possible meet up.

  10. Crikey.. that comment posted. I have been trying to leave a comment for weeks without success.

    1. Cherie, I might be coming up your way soon. If you email me, address on my sidebar, we can discuss.

  11. True statements Ilona. I do believe we all have genetics that are our bodies basic road map. It is which paths you choose sometimes that decide how your health will play out during your life’s trip. I think having in mind how our relatives lives have gone is a big help for those of us that follow. We can continue on the path they took that lead to poor health and will be in the same place. But if we learn and try and educate ourselves we can do better. Never stop learning and asking questions. We hear you load and clear mother!!!♥️♥️

    And why oh why can’t the trolls move on?? Don’t they know what that type of personality does to their bodies?? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️

    1. Hello. Yes, genetics can be passed down, but if we can learn from past generations we can at least be aware of the pitfalls that we might come across. A good healthy nutritional and varied diet can go a long way to balancing out some imperfections.

      When my dad came home from work he sat in front of the television with a tray on his knee. We couldn't speak while he watched his favourite programme, or we left the room. When finished, after three mugs of tea, he went to the pub.

      Trolls are addicted to visiting the same platform every day, sometimes several times a day. They need to feel relevant, they crave recognition. They don't realise what harm they are doing to themselves. Any well balanced person would know the places where they don't fit in, and would know not to go there again.

  12. “If I don’t like your comment it won’t get published “ Fair play , it’s your blog .’
    But this needs to be said , you’re judgemental and narrow- mined , who can only see their own slice of the world on many issues .

    1. Ok, I'll publish this one, after all you have tried many times to pull me down. Your words do not bother me, they only do harm to yourself. They make you a bitter and twisted person, which will have a detrimental effect on your mental and physical health. Do yourself a favour and get a life, and stop torturing yourself.

    2. But you are highly judgemental and very narrow minded. You think you are right on so many issues - which are completely contrary to science.

    3. But, why does this matter to you? I have a mind of my own, I can think for myself. Isn't everyone judgemental according to their background and how they were brought up? You are judging me by what I write here. You do not know me personally. That old bullshit 'the science', keeps rearing it's ugly head. The science is evolutionary, it always changes. As proved by the lies which were bandied about. Safe and effective, oh no it wasn't. Will stop you from catching the bug, and stop you from passing it on, oh no it didn't. If you do not agree with me, why do you keep coming back? Start your own blog.

  13. That is so sad 46!!! Times have gradually changed. You are slightly older than me but I remember in the 60's and 70's eveyone seemed to smoke. My dad died at 55, he gave up smoking at about 48 but I think the damage was done. And everthing in those days had to be fried!!!!

    1. It is only now in later years that we realise what unhealthy lifestyles we had. My mother was also a smoker, though she managed to give it up. She was overweight, and sadly died too early at 64. My brother smoked and drank, he died at 59. My sister smoked but eventually gave it up. Thankfully, after a boozy few years in my early twenties, and never tried smoking, I am feeling pretty good.

  14. The science is loaded in terms of profit for the company manufacturing it. The masks never stopped transmission and science agreed but they still promoted it. The vaxx injured thousands but was still promoted for profit. Whether it did any good or not is debatable as viruses weaken over time anyway. Now meat is injected with water and chemicals but are these harmful or cancer causing? And prepacked other foods also gassed to preserve longer. Even if they were known to cause cancer would they be banned? I doubt it too much money would be lost.

    1. Money is the driving force of everything that is happening. When the money runs out that's when CBDC comes in. Hang on to your hats, we are in for a rough ride. Keep saying no.

  15. I am not going to have conversations with people who have not been following the alternative media, and who believe everything they see on the tele. I don't have the time. Google is your friend.

  16. I haven't eaten meat for many years, exercised and looked after myself, however I still got cancer.
    I asked someone wise than me , how come, what did I do wrong.
    He said you need to think of it like a lottery or a raffle. We are all born with one ticket. Then it's up to us, we can choose to smoke, drink to excess, lead an unhealthy life, buying us more tickets, or increasing our chances. However sometimes the person who has just the one ticket will be drawn, but mostly it will be the ones with more tickets, that will be.


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