Monday, 24 July 2023

Eaten alive

That's it, toothy peg repaired, £25 lighter. Sophie managed to stick the broken piece back in. It was very small. I have strict instructions not to bite with it, so it looks like I will be back on baby food again. The mini chopper will be in constant use, and the juicer will come out of the cupboard. Soup and smoothies, yum. 
Look what I found. A poor phone box is being eaten alive. It looks like an arty sculpture. The inside is full of ivy. I do hope they leave it alone. Or, perhaps the ivy could be trimmed up into a modern day haircut. 
Now time for lunch, then a dog walk. I need to mow the lawn but it is sunny one minute and cloudy the next. Can't plan anything at the moment. Take each day as it comes. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. That was a cheap fix. Love the phone box. Briony x

  2. That was a very cheap fix for the tooth. That phone box would look brilliant trimmed just enough so that the ivy looks like a haircut. I do like it when nature claims things back for herself. :-)

  3. Toothy peg,lol.Ive not heard that for a lot of years!I love the phone box.You dont see many of them about these days.Sometimes,they are made into book swaps or even a small business.Ive seen one selling flowers from I think in Brighton.Ive seen them in gardens over the years too.I bet they would be very expensive to buy now.xx


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