Tuesday, 18 July 2023

No horses, and lots of beads.

On Sunday I went to a Craft Fair at Doncaster. There is a massive car park opposite the Racecourse. The Craft Fair was in the Exhibition Hall. I paid my £5 to get in, which I thought was very reasonable. Had a quick flit round the stalls, but I was very keen to see what the actual Racecourse was like. I went outside to have a look. It was very windy so I went up into the stand to make this video. 
The front entrance.
Artificial flowers make up this horsey sculpture. 

This sculpture is in the centre of the courtyard to greet everyone who comes in through the gate. 
I was able to walk around, but I didn't wander too far in case I found myself in a restricted area. 

Fancy a drink. 
It was a lovely sunny day, but oh so windy. 

I haven't been to a horse racing event at a Stadium. I don't fancy it.  
Time to go inside and have a look at the Craft Fair. It was very well laid out, plenty of room to move around. As I went up and down the aisles I noticed that many of the stalls were promoting the same kind of crafts. There wasn't much variety. A lot of paper crafts, cutting up bits of coloured paper, and sticking them down on a plain sheet. Colouring in with pencils. There were plenty stalls selling bits to make jewellery, and lots selling beads. Not much in the way of fabric and wool crafts.  
I sat down to watch this demonstration, but got up after ten minutes. It was going out live on Facebook. It reminded me of when you go to a television studios as a member of the audience when they are recording a game show. The warm up person cracks some feeble jokes, and the presenter has a big grin on their face throughout the whole presentation. The audience are encouraged to laugh at the appropriate times. This presenter was talking about her love of cute monsters. 

A few close ups of colour. 

Today I got the electric hedge trimmer out and managed to tidy up a large section of the conifers before the rain came down. I did a Billy dog walk. I am cat sitting for a friend, now going to check on them before bed time. Please excuse me, I have to go. 
Thanks for popping in. Toodle pip.   ilona

1 comment:

  1. Love the colours that you have shown us!.But I dont like the thought of any animals racing.In my early 20s,I went to the dog racing twice....and didnt like what I saw,so I never went again.Hope that you got the conifers under control,lol,they grow so fast.I once bought mini conifers and they grew to about 7ft blocking all the light out in my living room.They grow as fast as the weeds grow in my garden!.I wish my tomatoes would grow as fast as them,lol.xx


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