Thursday, 27 July 2023

Open your eyes.

When you walk the same path over and over again, don't ever take things for granted. Open your eyes and look more closely. You may see things you have never noticed before. Watching the new crops grow. 
A field that is always left fallow. Nature will take care of it. 

Every year a new picture emerges. 

Our food for the future. Thank you farmers. 

Reaching for the sky. Waiting for the harvester. 
Seeds that have dispersed. Blown away with the wind. 

Strangled by invasive neighbours, but still managing to make a show. 

A few pics from yesterday. Get out and use your camera, to capture the wonders of the ever changing countryside. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona 


  1. I say the same about walking along the beach - there is always something different to see, something new every day :)

    1. When I walk along a beach I am always looking down for something interesting to pick up

    2. Thinking about it,maybe the beach is one of the places I love most to walk.When its quiet,first thing in the morning when the sea has brought new things onto the shore.An interesting pebble,a piece of drift wood or a shell with a living creature still snuggled into it.Watching the relaxes me just thinking about it!.Im off to Mablethorpe.just for the day on Sunday and Im so looking forward to it.Even if its rainy and windy....I will still walk that beach!xx

  2. You see so much more when you take the time to look don't you. And you see even more when you go out armed with a camera, it almost forces you to look out for the beauty all around you. xx

    1. Definitely carry a camera. There have been times when I have not had one with me, on a short walk when I didn't expect to see anything. Then instantly regretting it when I saw something amazing.

  3. I like to walk you see hear and smell what is around me, where as in a car you are cut off it is like watching a TV program.

    1. Combining all the senses adds so much more to the view when you are walking, or cycling.

  4. Those pictures are fabulous!!! Reading your descriptions and the pictures.. so calming and relaxing 😌!! Thank you mother for the relaxing post. ♥️😊😊

    1. I feel very relaxed when I am out in the countryside.

  5. Thanks Anne, I have checked out your link. I think there will be more evidence of this happening in the future.


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