Wednesday, 26 July 2023

The voice.

I pick up a lot from body language. I think it's necessary to see the person as well as hear them when it comes to assessing their sincerity. Face to face is better than watching someone on a screen. Pence was being interviewed by Tucker recently. The smug insincerity was there for all to see. He actually dropped the bombshell right at the end. He doesn't stand a chance. 
Here we have RFK Jnr and Hannity. I like the way Kennedy sits straddled sideways across his chair, leaning forward. A bit like someone who is riding a horse and holding onto his saddle. He is raring to go, and ready to do battle. Hannity looks hesitant. He has his questions and appears to be lacking confidence. Not sure whether he wants to be sitting or standing, says proceed with caution. I will look for the whole interview to see how it pans out. I only hope that RFK's voice holds out. 
Must press on. Life is busy. Catch ya later. Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. As an American I can tell you that it's highly, highly unlikely that RFK Jr will win

    1. As a British person, I think he is a kind and compassionate man.

    2. Of course you would like him. You do realize that he is another of those “vaccines cause autism” people. Not sure whether he thinks the royal family are shape shifting alien lizards though…perhaps he hasn’t thought about it.

    3. How many times are you going to come back here? Why don't you write your own post on your own blog? When do you move on and reclaim your life?


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