Sunday, 26 January 2025

A DIY haircut

All you need is a pair of scissors, a hairbrush, and two mirrors. Free haircut at the Back Door Salon. 
Not bad if I say so myself. The long hair was wearing me down. Didn't suit me, difficult to manage, getting tangled, needs lots of brushing. Now all I have to do is run my fingers through it. Much easier to manage. 
Visitors to the garden this morning. The ducks are back. Had their breakfast then flew off. Hope they keep coming. 
The weather has been awful today. Wind and rain. I have been working on the Mandala. Almost finished. Thank goodness for arts and crafts and sewing and yoootooob. Indoor hobbies are a godsend through the winter months. 
More interesting posts from Rachel. Go and have a look. 
Thanks for popping in. Rushing this, Mayze is waiting for her night time cuddle. 
Toodle pip.  


  1. Your hair looks fantastic!!!! I could not do that lol I would look like an alien lol I like your short hair best. The long hair was nice , but the short hair is you. Good job mother!!!!

    1. Reading through the comments on my yoootooob channel, it's surprising how many people do cut their own hair. Got to be good for the purse.

  2. Oooh, aren't you clever! I would make such a mess if I tried to cut my own hair. 😆 Yours looks lovely. 😊 Nice to see the ducks came back. They must remember where they were looked after.

    1. I had an uncle who had a string of barber shops, and an aunt who went straight from school to an apprenticeship in a ladies salon. She stayed there many years. Must run in the family.

  3. Looks lovely, there is nothing better than a good haircut to make you feel refreshed, I think it even makes my skin look better.
    Fi from Australia 🇦🇺

    1. You are right about feeling refreshed. Longer hair was beginning to get me down.

    2. Hi Ilona, me again, when I was young my sister and I had very long hair, like down to our bums, that our darling mum looked after lovingly. Washed it in egg shampoo, conditioned it with camomile tea, set in on rollers for church every Sunday ect. Then I stated ballroom dancing and for competitions my hair would be teased, curled and sprayed into next week with lacquer. It’s a wonder I had any hair left. Any way I decided when going into high school that I wanted it cut short and it has been that way ever since. These days it’s a pixie cut which I love, no bother, wash once a week and just fluff it up, no styling. Have a lovely day (very hot and humid here, top of 30c in Redcliffe)

  4. Went to the hairdresser last year and they charged me £24 for a dry cut ie no wash or blow dry. Need it cut again soon as it's quite long but I can't do it myself as it's long and straight. Your hair looks lovely you wouldn't know it wasn't done in a salon.
    Sally from Devon

    1. The last time I went to a salon was just before my operation, 16 years ago. I wanted to give myself a boost before I went into hospital. If I remember right it was £40. I had some streaks put in. My thinking was that if I should die in hospital, at least I would look nice. I was disappointed with the result. The cut was not to my liking. A waste of money.

  5. Your hair looks lovely, well done! I can't cut my hair myself because it's super-straight and you see every little mistake. My husband cuts my hair and I learned via Youtube in lockdown to cut his with a machine and scissors.
    Liebe Grüße, Barbara

    1. Good idea when there are two of you. No more hairdressers, save your money.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.