Saturday, 4 January 2025

Daniel unravels this document

The NHS is dying, and Daniel, the Black Belt Barrister explains part of the reason why it is happening. 
The NHS document which he quotes from can be read in full here. 
Last updated October 2023. 
In a nutshell, British residents are at the bottom of the list when it comes to tests, checkups, and treatment. Every man and his dog goes before us. 
Refused asylum seekers can be registered with a GP and receive free primary care services in England, Wales and Scotland, as can any other patient regardless of immigration status.
Millions are spent on interpreters for patients who cannot speak English. 
The NHS has an obligation to provide translation services to users, free at the point of delivery. The NHS trust which spent the most on interpreters and translation services in the UK was NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with costs totalling £8,853,676 during 2019-20 to 2021-22.
So, dear reader, do not become ill. This is why I always harp on about looking after yourself. The NHS is in chaos. Don't think that by rushing to get the next available treatment, and stocking up on your pill cabinet, will keep you fit and healthy. That's a fallacy. All you will be doing is boosting the coffers of Big Pharma. Doctors all around the world are calling for the suspension of mRNA jibbyjabbys. But don't take any notice of me, after all, as many have pointed out, I'm only an ex lorry driver. Ask your doctor, and make your own mind up. 
Thanks for popping in. It's flippin freezing here. My heating is on and Mayze is lying on her bed in front of the gas fire. We are fine. 
Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. Well, I could never be confident enough to drive a lorry. H

    1. If you really really want something and you try very hard to get it, there is a good chance you will succeed.

  2. Hmmmm someone has the confidence to drive a lorry and, therefore, can talk authoritatively about “jibbyjabbys” - known to most people as vaccinations.

    1. The mRNA jibbyjabby was never a vaccination. It started it's life as an experimental gene therapy. They knew that people would never accept it as a treatment for covid with that name, so they changed it to vaccine. Big Pharma had been working on it for years. All the information is out there, if you care to look.

  3. Anti vaxxers are a plague on society.

    1. I am not sure if this response is from an AI Bot, or a real person. Surely someone wouldn't keep coming back time after time just to vent their anger. Or maybe they would. One has to ask what are they miffed about. There are thousands of angry people who now feel aggrieved because they went along with the order to get the treatment. Many called us antivaxxers, and selfish, just because we declined the invitation. Celebrities on television and social media relentlessly plugged the mantra, proudly displaying their halo on their platforms. Facebuck was awash with these. It doesn't matter what insults people throw at me, I know I did the right thing. And I don't have to hide behind the Anonymous label.

    2. This proves my point.

  4. Fact checker has a slightly different take on your figures: As always, it depends on who you want to believe The same for your "gene therapy" claims.
    Bet you don't publish this!

    1. I am not usually vindictive, but this is an opportunity too good to miss. I call it Karma.
      Of course I will publish this. Fullfact is paid for by donations from large institutions who have a vested interest in their work. Google and Facebook being just two of them.

      (Tides) Charitable Giving Fund £522,632
      Meta owns Facebook and Instagram, £373,510
      Luminate £161,734
      Nuffield Foundation £100,000
      European Media and Information Fund £31,967

      Since January 2019, Full Fact has checked images, videos and articles on Facebook as part of the social network’s third-party fact checking initiative. This work is funded by Facebook.

      We also benefit from a general Google Grants scheme for charities which provides $10,000 worth of Google advertising per month.

      About you.
      I live in a smallish village in central France. I’m an English teacher – in schools, for adults and for young people. I am a Christian, a Licensed Lay Minister and attend an English speaking church in Clermont Ferrand.

      It's a shame that your blog is littered with adverts. The young lady with her legs open is particularly smutty.

      I see that Mr FD had a cold, and has passed it on to you. You also had the vomiting bug which has wiped you out, and then you had a cold. You've both had a flu vaccine, so it’s not likely to be flu.

      Oh dear. I wonder what it is then? Maybe The Guardian has the answer.

    2. Oh dear, sounds like those jabs have done you the world of good 🤣

    3. This is Fat Dormouse again. A good riposte,Ilona. I know you're not a fan of vaccines; coming from a medical family, I am. I didn't have flu, just a bad cold, so the vaccine wouldn't have helped. A cold is one of those things that is hard to avoid, and it's a nasty strain. Thank you for alerting me to the quality of advertising on my blog. I honestly had no idea that smutty ones were appearing. As I usually only read my blog from my computer I don't see ads so much. I will have to investigate what to do. Do you pay to not have adverts on your blog?
      And thank you too for the alert about Fact checker. I will need to be more vigilant about whose facts I am quoting. However, I'm not sure I'll be believing the same sources as you. Thank you again for your help with the advert situation.

  5. Happy New Year to you Ilona. I would just like to say that I wish I had never had the dreaded vaccine. I came to my senses after the second one. Why I didn't listen to myself I don't know. I certainly won't be making such a mistake again that's for sure.

    1. Hello Eve. I'm glad you have learnt from your mistake. It is hardly surprising though that you went along with it like so many others did. The threats and bullying was endemic. Get the treatment or you won't be able to go on holiday. Stay at home, wear a face nappy when you go out. Follow the footsteps on the floor in a supermarket. Don't sit on a bench in the park. Police patrolling ready to arrest people. Close the schools, kids missing out on months of education. Put your face mask on in a restaurant if you get up from your table to go to the toilet. Jeez, ridiculous rules which made things worse. And now they expect us to do it all again as they roll out the next phase of another nasty bug. They have already started jabbbbing birds, chickens, ducks, and moving on to pigs and cows. Next will be the slaughter of these animals.

  6. Until 2019 I used to work for the NHS and what Daniel says is right. My team alone spent an absolute fortune on interpreters who would get paid for an hours work even if the session only lasted for 10 minutes. I even considered learning to speak Arabic or Urdu because the interpreters were absolutely raking it in compared to the amount I got paid. My current job involves helping people complain about sub standard care in the NHS. People over 60 often aren’t prioritised for treatment. I’ve seen older adults on wards put in nappies if they can’t walk to the toilet simply because it’s convenient to idle staff who can’t be arsed to take them. I avoid healthcare professionals and their endless tests and vaccinations completely. N

    1. Thank you for sharing this. I would much rather get the facts straight from the horses mouth, if you know what I mean. We should all be shocked by this. No wonder people can't get the help they need. You have to ask if this is a deliberate squandering of money, and at some point in the future there will be nothing left.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.