Thursday, 9 January 2025

I am a chatty shopper.

 My faith in human nature is being greatly diminished, going by the amount of insults thrown at me daily. There is an epidemic of cruel and nasty jibes spewing from people's mushed up brains.  

A successful shopping trip this afternoon. I got all I needed from three shops. Had a lovely chat in Home Bargains with a lady who has a big garden and was stocking up on bird seed. She loves watching the wildlife through her patio doors. I told her about the best food for hedgehogs and she said she would get some for when they come back in the spring. 

I had a laugh with the lady on the checkout at the charity shop. I picked up a heated hair curler and said it hasn't got a price on it, but it's £3. She scanned it and said, you are right, it is. 

I had a laugh with a shopper in Aldi. We chuckled at some of the crazy things on the centre aisle. A plastic cup like gadget for washing dogs paws. You put water in it and push a dirty paw down into it and the soft bristles scrub the muck off. I can't see a dog standing still and allowing you to do it four times. Unless it's a three legged dog of course, ha ha.  

The young lady on the till at Aldi was telling me about a new job she will be moving to on the first of February. A change of career for her. She will be working at a Day Centre for disabled people. She is looking forward to that. Good for her, for making the change.  

Now I need to put my shopping away. 

Catch ya later. Toodle pip.  


  1. As predicted. The first mushed up brain has responded. 25 minutes after I posted this. Sad.

  2. I chat to everybody if possible - It just makes life a little brighter - and hear such interesting things x

    1. I was chatting to a woman as we were browsing the bric-a-brac in the charity shop. I jokingly said to her, 'yes, have that one, it's good'. If you do it with good humour it usually provokes a smile.

  3. I just love to chat to people xx

    1. Ilona - This is the third time recently that I've noticed that there is " another flis" commenting here - though it seems harmless enough - I just thought I'd mention it to you x

    2. I don't care how many flises there are, as long as they don't start a punch up with each other.

  4. Sorry to hear you’re upset about insults towards you. Whenever someone airs outlandish views and beliefs on social media, inevitably there are going to be others who don’t share the same views.

    1. Who says I am upset? I have had insults all my life. I've grown a thick skin.

  5. It's getting harder to ignore the rise of ignorance and malice in this country.

    1. It's all over the world, not just here. That is the plan, to bully people, scare people, and worry people, into hating each other. It's up to the individual to take control of their own lives, and not follow like sheep.

  6. NYC'er here. I'm a chatter!! Get stone-face folks and chatters both.

  7. Debi from Leicester.Good morning from a very cold and frosty day here in Leicester.Yes,I love to chat to people too although I dont seem to get much chance these days!.Dog walkers are usually friendly though and always happy to share a smile and Hello.I would love to have a the low life...who think its just fine to send you insults,Cowards and bullies who must chase you around the internet.They really should find something more useful to do with their days,bless em,lol.xx

    1. Hello Debi. Once a bully always a bully. It is how they function. To make themselves feel good they have to put others down. Then if you follow them around you will see them arse licking others in their tribe. They have a split personality and can't be trusted. You can't change how people are, but you can change how you deal with it.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.