Sunday, 5 January 2025

Nothing much on tele.

 Just back from checking on Janet's cats. 

I put the tele on. 

Sat with ginger cat on my knee. 

A programme about the biggest cruise ship in the world. I have seen that on yoootooob. 

Antiques Roadshow. Boring.

The Masked Singer. Awful.

Ant and Dec. Quiz programme. Awful.

Pottery programme. Can't be bothered. 

It's raining. The snow will be washed away by the morning. 

Back to yoootooob. Mandy in her campervan has posted. Janine and Liam Those Happy Days, on their way back from the Arctic. Living the Skye Life Willie and Sarah, cottage flooded.  By the Curb James messed up. Frugal Queen in France. Wandering Where Adam in Thailand. Nico Brina Boogiewoogie in the snow. Plenty to watch on here. 

Toodle pip.   ilona


  1. But there is iplayer and othe channels much better than yooooooooooouuuuuutuuuuuuuubbbbbeeeeee

    1. I can't watch iplayer, I don't have a TV licence, I don't have a telly. I think Janet may have some other channels but I don't know how to find them with the remote.

    2. My point was there was much to watch on Janet’s tele, if you knew how.

  2. I find it total rubbish on TV lately Ilona like you I watch people on there van travels and frugal channels I've also found people who like me have lost a good bit of weight walking eating healthy and there blogs are interesting.but TV got nothing I want to seexx

    1. Carry on doing what you are doing. There are a lot of interesting lifestyle videos on yootoob. Anyone who works hard to turn their life around deserves a thumbs up.

  3. Hi from West Virginia USA ilona, I am sure every time you have watched Janet’s kitties while she was out of town it is a reminder of why you do not have a TV license. We never watch cable TV. We do pay for some streaming services. We pay our internet 🛜 bill each month and we then pay so much each month to stream ie Acorn…Hmmm 🤔 I think that’s it lol 😂. Like you I do enjoy a lot of things on YouTube. I will sit begrudgingly through an ad lol. I guess they have to pay the bills some how. Just surfing YouTube many years ago is how I came across your channel, then found your blog…. And the rest is history. I have backed up to the beginning of your blog and the historical ones. I have done the same with your YouTube. So if you’re willing to do a little searching you never know what you will find. And it costs me the price of my internet.

    Big snow storm here mother!!!! We have not had power since 7am. No idea when it will be restored. The website says they have restored it at 10:30am. We would beg to differ lol so another ticket was placed and we continue to wait. Thankfully we are prepared.

    1. Hello Tammy. I am impressed. I have been with the same broadband provider for several years. It is part of a bundle with my landline phone. I could probably find a cheaper option, but why should I when I can afford it, and it never goes wrong. We have a new provider in this area, people swap to them, but they are constantly posting on our village page that they are having problems with it. I will stay where I am, knowing that it always works.

  4. Replies
    1. Perhaps old people who are not very mobile and can't get out very often. Or lonely people who have very little confidence and find it difficult communicating face to face. Or the frazzled parents of a screaming child who won't sit still. Other than them, no one else.

  5. I gave up cable in 2010 - have not missed it. Have not had a land line since 2008. I pay for internet and Netflix and I use a browser with no ads! Love it.


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