Monday, 5 September 2011

Day 1 walking - Stanage Edge

Here we are setting off on Saturday morning, it's great to be visiting the Peak District again. We all met at Leadmill Bridge at 9.30am, some of us camped, some stayed in the Youth Hostel, and some had B & B in pubs. It was a sunny start to the day, so we were in good spirits, the air was full of chatter. Some people had met each other on previous forum meets, but I hadn't met anyone before.

I'm afraid there isn't going to be much information on the walks. They were organised by Tracey who lives in Derbyshire, so she is very familiar with the lie of the land. Because I was following I did not need to read the map, so to be honest, I am not sure exactly where we walked. I must admit at times I felt quite disorientated, something which I am not keen on. When I am walking alone I constantly check the map to make sure I am on the right track, I find it reasurring when I know my exact whereabouts.

Today is all about Stanage Edge, a huge big rockface north of the village. I have been here before but I think we are taking a route I am not familiar with. The heather is beautiful at this time of the year. There is a long way to go before we reach the edge, this is just the start.

Upwards we go.

No, not there yet.

Here we are at the bottom of the rocks, blimey have we got to go up there :o(

No, this is the route up we are taking, a bit of scrambling but fairly easy. We stopped here for our lunch, it was a trifle windy so we took shelter behind the rocks.

The view from the top is lovely, a little bit misty in the distance.

This footpath is suffering from a lot of erosion, millions of pairs of boots tramping up and down.

It's a very popular spot for climbers, and the top is also accessible for those who are just out for a family stroll. It was particularly busy today as the weather was sunny, but with a chilly wind.

This sport is apparently called Bouldering. I thought it was just a smaller rock that novices would practice on before they were able to tackle the high stuff. The participants have to take a matress to the boulder to fall onto as they have no ropes to save them from injury. There's more info if you google it.

Here the gang have scrambled down onto a ledge to take a peek at little John's Cave. It's mighty high up here.

This scantily clad young lady must have been freezing, it was quite blustery. In between shoots she was jumping up and down to try and keep warm. I wonder which magazine the photographs will be published in.

Another view from the top.

Time for another break amongst the rocks. Another pick of Midge the wonder dog, and Paul.

He just loves to pose.

Onward and upward, that's the path we are taking over there.

We got back to the camp site at about six o clock, I was ready for my dinner, so I tucked into my bargain food. The others had booked a meal at the pub in the village, but it was going to be late eating. I don't like eating after 7pm as I will be up all night with stomach ache. I still went with them, but I just had a pint of Marstons Pegigree Ale, lovely.

Man and his dog turned up, he had to eat at another pub because they wouldn't let his dog in here. We sat outside chatting. I knew he would be walking back to the campsite and I fancied walking in the dark across the fields, so I went with him. My new head torch was very bright, I'm pleased I bought this at the knock down price of £6. It was a lot of fun walking in the dark, it's about a mile back to camp. I shone my torch all around and could see lots of twinkling lights. The sheeps eyes made it look like fairyland, it was magical. I think I might try a bit more night walking :o)


  1. Did you visit Little John's grave too?! I quite like night walking too.

  2. Hi Louise, I have already seen Little John's grave on a previous walk.

  3. A fantastic walk, and beautiful photos!

    Sft x

  4. Fabulous scenery shots. I`m glad you had reasonable weather for this hike.

  5. What a beautiful colour the heather is, absolutely gorgeous!
    Jane x

  6. Most of that looked like rough walking. I suppose your tamer walks have you in great condition for the rough ascents.

  7. Lovely walk...heart warming story of Midge the other day, one lucky dog finding a great new owner who walks about...

  8. I love those rocks. The dog is a sweetie too. I've walked over Stanage a few years ago from, I think it was Marsden, the other side of Oldham. I drove over to join a walking group. It was a bit far for me to do regularly though.

    The heather colours are fabulous, so lovely at this time of year. I bought a pack of various calluna from Aldi last week. Your photos have inspired me to now go out today and buy another one to make a good display. I might treat my Mum too. Funnily enough there's one variety I only just noticed is called Annemarie! Just for me hey?

  9. we did some bouldering a few years back when a friend at a camp we were on, offered to show us how. He insisted we wouldn't need ropes . I went home with a very sore posterior after slipping off a 'boulder' about 7 feet high . It was fun but a safety mattress would have been a welcome addition.

  10. Beautiful scenery. You've visited some lovely places, I like all the little picturesque villages, very pretty. Looks like a good time was had by all, do you know how far you walked in total over the weekend? You'd have given yourself a good old workout climbing all those hills. Glad the weather was fair for you. The photoshoot pics look like they may be going in a running magazine perhaps, she looks like she's in running gear of some kind. Cheers, Christy.

  11. Hi Christy. We walked 14 + 11 = 25 miles. With quite a lot of ups and downs.

  12. That's a lot of mileage. Apparently you're supposed to take 10,000 steps per day to keep fit, you do well over that. Good for you. :-)

  13. Great photos, it looks a great walk.


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