Monday, 5 September 2011

First pics from Hathersage

Good morning. I've got quite a few photo's so I've bunched them together in three chunks, these are the bits and bobs. Hathersage is in a beautiful part of the Derbyshire Peak District, not too far from Sheffield. You will find more pictures elsewhere on this blog from my previous walking trips there. I arrived at about 4.30pm on Friday and took a couple of pics in the busy High Street, before I went to the camp site. I love this ornate street lamp stand with it's direction finger posts.

This fruit and veg shop with it's vibrant colours looks very inviting, it made my mouth water.

We saw quite a few well kept signs on the walks, it's nice to know someone is looking after them.

Close to North Lees Camp Site is this pretty house, Bronte Cottage. Charlotte Bronte visited Hathersage in 1845 and it is said she stayed here while writing the story of Jane Eyre, taking the heroine's surname from the local family.

Sunday morning and I am up at 6.30am looking forward to the days walking. The campsite is quiet, no one is stirring yet. We are in the top field, the whole site is surrounded by trees. A delightful setting.

The cost is £16 for two nights. C'mon campers, rise and shine :o)

We saw some amazing fungi, love this pretty red one. Don't ask me the names, I haven't a clue.

More pics later.


  1. Ooh, Ilona, the red one looks like Fly Agaric - magic mushroom! Good thing you didn`t try it - at best (I believe) you`d be tripping, at worst a nasty case of death! Great pics, though. x

  2. Great pics! The area looks like it has lots of good photo opps. Those fungi are huge and very colourful too!

  3. As always, some lovely pictorial memories of your trip which we can all enjoy, great!

  4. I too love the ornate footpath signs; and am often tempted to photograph them - they never look out of place.

  5. We did a walk that took us past Bronte Cottage this morning. That's how I found your site, by Googling Bronte Cottage. Autumn colours are fantastic round there today. I also took photos of footpath signs. Am enjoying your blog


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.