Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Bimbling on the North Bank

 What a palarver to get these photo's uploaded onto here. Still haven't worked out what's happening, will have to look into it further. Thought the computer was up the swaneee, then the mouse, a new mouse didn't make any difference. Broadband is pants in this area, so slow. The main problem was first photo uploaded ok, then the second one appeared with a cross in the bottom left hand corner and wouldn't upload at all. So I had to close the page, and open a new one up to upload second photo, and repeat for third, and so on. Then some were loading at the top and some at the bottom so had to jiggle them around with the mouse to put them in the right order. Tried loading in HTML, that didn't work. Anyway, stop moaning it's done now.
The night before last we had a lovely sunset. Normally I would rush to the church and snap a few pics before it disappears over the horizon, but I looked out of my back window and saw that the fluffy clouds were picking up the red glow. I read about this trick somewhere, don't shoot directly at the sunset, but look in the opposite direction to see what it is reflecting off. It turned the trees at the back of my house red once, but these clouds look quite stunning. I love watching clouds.  
Right, where did I go for a walk yesterday. I drove over the Humber Bridge to the north bank, and parked at North Ferriby. These posters were dotted about everywhere. I wondered what they are trying to save North Ferriby from. An alien invasion perhaps, or maybe Japanese knot weed, or maybe the village is being eaten up by giant slugs. I looked at the website. To put a load of waffle into a few words, basically they don't want anyone messing with their lovely village. They like it as it is, and want to keep it that way. I think it's aimed mainly at planners. Fair enough I suppose.
I walked alongside the main A63 for a short distance then took a left turn down Brickyard Lane, heading for the Humber Bank. These unusual flower heads caught my attention. Don't ask me what they are called, most of the flowers were white.

I walked alongside the waters edge for a while, this is part of the Trans Pennine Trail, I have walked along here before. The bridge is in the distance. I found a very convenient massive washed up log to sit on and had a bite to eat. Today's sandwiches are French brie cheese with spinach.
A bit further along is Welton Clough, a huge lake with a sailing club and outdoor pursuits centre, though no one was out on the water today.
I then headed inland up Common Lane, towards Welton. I was ambling along minding my own business when this cheeky chappie on a bike stopped and asked me if I was doing the Wolds Way long distance path. He told me he likes walking, which is handy for him as he is a postman. We were talking for ages, and had a good laugh together. I'm glad he stopped to talk, now I have a new friend and he's called Steve the Postman.  
I stopped for ten minutes in Welton, beside the pond next to the church. I have been here before, it's a lovely village, but I was a bit sad to see that the pond looks pretty murky. It needs a good clean up.
Out of the village I headed for Welton Dale. I have been on this path before, it's a lovely walk when the sun is shining. Through the gate, there is a wood on the left and steep open fields on the right.
That's the direction I am heading,
and this is looking back. The weather has stayed dry and warm, a great day for a stroll.
Eventually the Dale goes into a wood and comes out on a concrete road. I turned right, then right again and walked along the edge of a field of corn. The busy bees were hard at work.
It was a glorious day, the sun was shining down on me, I was very lucky. When I reached the end of the field I joined another concrete road which was the long driveway to a farmhouse hidden in the trees I had just passed. The landscape opened out into Welton Wold. On my right was a field where a crop of peas had been harvested, and in the centre appeared to be a patch of blue flowers. I went to have a closer look. This area had been marked out by white sticks, obviously designated to be left standing after the crop had been collected.   
What an amazing sight, hundreds and thousands of busy bees, all going about their business. Ducking and diving into the flower heads. Wow, how fantastic. I did try and capture a few in my pic, but nigh impossible the speed they were going.  
After that I joined the road and walked towards Swanland. Time was getting on and I have been to Swanland before so I did a right turn just after this sign and bypassed it, and went back to North Ferriby.
Lucky for me there is a shop where I treated myself to my favourite ice cream, a Magnum. A quick drive back over the bridge and I was home in half an hour. Not a lot of miles covered due to me stopping to chat. 9.2 miles total. Today was a bimbling day, and enjoying the countryside.
How do you like my shades, cool eh! Can't see much out of them though, due to my short sightedness, ha ha. Never mind they were free. I found them in the grass as I happened to look down when I was stepping over a boggy bit next to the river. They are like new, not a scratch on them. Always look down, you never know what you will find.  
We've had some rain today, quite heavy downpours, no need to water the veg tonight. A second sunflower has appeared, one plant has sprouted nine flower heads, chuffin heck, they will look good when they open up. If they grow any higher I will have to look at the flowers through binoculars.
Toodle pip.


  1. Nice shades and the photos were worth the wait, too.

  2. Love the sunglasses, what a lucky find.
    The sunset pics are stunning and we really
    enjoyed going on another walk with you.
    Wendy (Wales)

  3. I think your white flowers are wild carrot, they turn in as they get older and the blue flower patch I think is Borage, just right for your Pimms!

  4. I love a magnum to but have not ad one for ages.
    Your photos are wonderful

  5. Learning a lot of English expressions in your posts . . . I speak English, of course, but the American version. It's an interesting challenge, the sort of challenge I enjoy, to try and figure out what they mean. It was great bimbling along with you today, thank you for the tour.

  6. Great photos of the clouds. Looks like a pleasant walk and I love the patch of borage in the pea field. I wonder if there's a beehive nearby and that's the reason for it.

  7. Wonderful blog and fantastic photographs. Well worth waiting for.
    Many thanks.
    Dianne - Hereford

  8. The pictures of the sunset are truly stunning.

  9. Yup, as Quilting cat rightly said, the blue flowering plants are borage (also known as Starflower), commonly called The Bee Plant as its known for attracting bees - a great bit of companion planting by the farmer Id say. :o)

  10. The sunglasses were a lucky find. Have you looked at the price of sun glasses lately? Beautiful cloud photos!

  11. Glad to see that there are a lot of bees pollinating plants. I've read and saw something on tv recently stating that bees seem to be dying and they don't know why. That's a scary thought! They pollinate so much of our food. Loved your photos and your "new" sunglasses. Sunglasses are expensive so - lucky find!

  12. I was thinking the same as Sara above...I love learning new expressions from you...Broadband is pants...ha, what????
    I also love you taking us along on your walks...there's no place to walk where I live and I would die from the heat and humidity if I tried.

  13. I am so pleased you mentioned the bees. My son was complaining the other day that he hadn't seen a bee for ages... he lives in Weston Super Mare at the moment. I very much enjoyed your walk Ilona we are pretty much housebound here until the weather cools a bit. There are some fantastic walks around here but unless you start out at 6am and aim to be back before 9am you would risk serious heat stroke - temperature today was 36C in the shade! So until autumn I shall get my walking fix with you!

  14. Danneke here Ilona, The first picture of seed heads look like my Clematis (climbing variety) that I have growing around my archway intermingled with the climbing roses, the little birds are loving these seed heads right now. The sunsets are always lovely over your area, we get some good ones here inland off the sea, but the sun rise here over the beach is very beautiful most mornings. I am pleased the Beees are able to collect pollen etc from the Borage, it makes a lovely honey. There is a Honey Bee Farm 2 villages away from me and I get my honey supplies from them, a bit expensive but really worth it. Theres a big write up in our weekly newspaper about the new Scarborough Youth Hostel, maybe you can read it on your PC. Went to hospital gymnasium today for treatment guess I will be sore and stiff in the morning, got to build up the muscles for walking again ,not easy but got told in about 8 weeks I will be walking without canes etc Roll on 8 weeks time.

  15. It could be wild carrot (Queen Annes lace), but it also could be poison hemlock, so don't eat it!


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.