Tuesday, 16 July 2013

I can see clearly now

Aha me hearties, got my new specs today, here they are. After all the trauma of choosing them, I'm quite happy with them. Well as happy as I ever will be, as a specy hating grumpy old woman. They have a gold half frame with a slight tinge of pink to them. They are lightweight, a good fit, and feel quite comfortable, so I spose they will do me for a few years. The bonus is I can see pretty good out of them as well.  
Here is a mini tour of the garden. It's been hot again today, so I am watering everything like crazy. I'm afraid I am having to use tap water, we haven't had any rain for ages. Every time I water, the frogs jump about to get out of the way. I use a watering can because my hosepipe has more holes in it than a sieve. The broad beans are ginormous, almost as tall as me.
The runner beans are all in flower, and they are a lot taller than me.
Some yellow courgettes. A bit small at the moment. There are five courgette plants altogether, the others are producing green ones.
This is the crazy mixed bed of chucked on seeds. There are some huge radishes in there, I ate six more for my dinner tonight.
Three beds of potatoes. There are frogs in there as well. I have to be careful when I walk about, so as not to step on one. They must have had some babies as they are quite small.
And another update on the sunflowers. They have gained another five inches, so now the tallest one is 4ft 5ins.
I was going to go shopping tonight, but decided to mow the lawns and forgot all about it. I bought a few bits from Aldi while I was in town today. They don't have much in there to tempt me, but they are ok for a few basics. I bought bananas, yogurt, a cucumber, two packs of soft cheese, and some broccoli. I got some cheddar cheese from B & M. That will keep me going. I might go to Tesco tomorrow night. Maybe, possibly, if I feel like it, if I can be bothered.

Dinner tonight was steamed radishes, broccoli, onion, and broad beans, with grated cheese over it. I have a  little bit of watering left to do, must get on. Catch you tomorrow. Toodle pip.


  1. Your garden is doing wonderfully!

  2. Your garden looks so productive, amazing what you can grow in a small space.

  3. Like your new glasses. Your garden looks so great! Those sunflowers are getting so big. Can't wait to see them in bloom.

  4. glasses look great! as do the plants...!

  5. My 75 year old husband has worn glasses for near-sightedness since he was twelve. Over the last couple month he's had eye surgery for cataracts. Very easy & pain free surgery where they insert a new lens (cornea?) in each eye. He doesn't need glasses anymore!!! He still can't get over it. Apparently this is a happy side-effect of this type of cataract surgery. Maybe if you need the surgery someday you too might not need to wear glasses. I like how your sunflowers form an arch shape along their tops.

  6. I like your glasses!
    The garden looks wonderful.
    I have never had steamed radishes, only grated or cut ones in a salad!
    Your sunflowers are lovely.
    Hope you are having a wonderful week.
    Don't be grumpy, it makes your smile sag! grin!

  7. Love the new specs...so
    glad the garden is doing well, too.

  8. Wondering, Have you seen the price of the yellow courgettes in the supermarket. Twice the price of the green ones and they don't need any special attention as they grow exactly the same as the green. Get me quite annoyed. No I don't buy them.

    1. Hi Carol, I have grown yellow courgettes before, and find they don't taste any different to green ones. They just look pretty on the plate.

  9. I'm surprised you say that about ALDI. Good quality and reasonable prices... You should have another look!

    1. Hi Caroline, I have looked lots of times, as it's close to where I park my car on the road to walk to town, (free parking). I often pop in to look at prices, and only come out with the odd item or two. It depends what you buy. Lots of the things that I buy are cheaper at Tesco. One example, 500grm natural yogurt, 55p at Aldi, 45p at Tesco. Peanut butter and bran flakes are cheaper at Tesco. I cherry pick from all the shops, and buy where it is cheaper for me.

  10. Your glasses look good you dont need to be grumpy about wearing glasses!
    Last time we tried yellow courgettes no one would buy them they also dont seem to be as strong and productive as green courgette plants.

    1. Will someone please tell my yellow courgette plants that, we can't keep up with eating all the blessed things, we are having courgettes at EVERY meal at the moment....but I'm not complaining - YET!!

  11. Love your glasses. I have only eaten radishes raw and am not crazy about them. I found your blog.....well I'm not sure how I found it, but happy to be a new bloggy friend. xo Laura


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