Monday, 29 July 2013

Many hands make crafty work

That was a nice start to the week, a Monday morning Chat and Craft  group at the Village Hall. It's only two minutes walk from where I live, a very convenient location. It's close to the Post Office so I popped in to pay my council tax as well, and have a nosey at the posters on the notice board. We had a break for coffee and jaffa cakes, must remember to take my own sugar next week, as we had to borrow some from another cupboard in the kitchen. A small fee of £1 was payable to cover the cost of Ann's leaflet printing and the refreshments, and the small charge for the use of room.
We were six in total, so what was everyone doing? Sorry, can't remember everyone's name, but to my left was some very intricate embroidery work going on.
Opposite me was a lady knitting a warm wooly winter skirt.
On my right there was some sketching going on.
At the end of the table, measuring a piece of knitting, is that enough?
And on the other side of the table was some more sketching.
I added some more squares to the patchwork. In the early stages this can be transported anywhere to work on. Preparing the squares beforehand, you only need a needle and cotton and a pair of scissors. Put it in a bag and Bob's your uncle, easy peasy craft work to take with you.
Someone mentioned ironing the seams to the darker squares to get rid of the problem of transparent fabric. It wouldn't work with this because of the way I stitch it. The seams go flat. Right, I'm off to carry on with this, the weather is a bit crazy so I'll stick around here today. A quick visit to the mobile library a bit later, and that will be my lazy Monday taken care of.
Toodle pip


  1. what a bargain at one pound a session, plus you get to see what everyone is up too. Shame we don't have anything like this around here as I would join.

    Gill in Canada

  2. I am lucky enough to have a craft group within walking distance and really look forward to it. It's great to see what everyone's making and I have learnt to crochet with the help of the other members. Our group started with 6 members but there are over 20 of us now. It's a lovely way to share and learn new skills.

  3. I have two smocking guilds I attend. They each meet once a month and some of the members attend both. I have belonged to them for 24 years and count the members among my best friends. I have made some wonderful dresses for my daughter and granddaughter and many other little ones. One of the ladies call all the recipients of our stitching "our little victims"! I always have lots of projects in the pipeline. I hope you enjoy your club as much as I enjoy mine.

  4. Seems you've had a good time. I'm with a quilting group in my town, we come together once a week on wednesday morning. And I have a quilt friend living even closer. We all keep inspiring each other and help out when needed.

  5. These groups seem to be all the rage - we have one in our church on a Friday morning which started out as a "knit and natter" but has become a "craft cafe" as everyone pays £2 to come and have as much tea/coffee and nibbles as they want between 10 and 12. We have about 15 regulars now, and it is a lovely bunch, so I hope your group thrives as ours has done.

  6. It's a brilliant idea to go somewhere to do your crafting, I always find at home that the temptation to do something else appears and I never get properly 'stuck in' to things and give up to easily, and of course some like minded company is always nice.

  7. They sound like a nice varied group, you will enjoy the companionship. Also, you make time for your craft. Often we are busy with other things and taking this time (every 2 weeks in our case) means we focus on just sitting, chatting and crafting. Our group has been going 18 months now and we're so pleased we started it.

  8. Sounds a lovely start to your week. I like the variety of crafts going on in your group.
    twiggy x

  9. Looks like craft groups are popular. Gill, maybe you could start one.

  10. I agree with Sue. If I want to be productive I've got to leave behind the many distractions that being at home creates.

  11. Sounds like a lovely way to spend some time, and Jaffa Cakes too!!! Clever hands at work :) Have a lovely day Iona x


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