Monday, 22 December 2014

A long day

Hello. Long day. Just got back. Sister is well, brother in law is well, uncle is well, auntie is well. Still got roadworks on the M1 between junction 28 and 31, 50 mph, when will they ever finish it. Slow moving traffic round the Derby Ring Road from the A6 to Markeaton roundabout, took ages to get through it. Came back faster than when I went. B & Q night trunkers out, brought back memories, I was doing that job before I retired.

Meter reader has been, he's coming back in the morning. The gas meter is on the outside of the house, but he has to come inside for the electric meter. Don't know why he came, I have been sending the readings by email.

Been windy here, a conifer in a pot has blown over, I will have to move it to a sheltered spot. A job for tomorrow.
Toodle pip.


  1. The meter reader probably was there to check and make sure your meter was working - as you use so little they thought it might not be working - lol. Happy Christmas!

  2. In whatever way that makes you happiest, I hope you have a very Merry Christmas.

  3. I was thinking along the same lines as Cheapchick. They wouldn't believe us when we didn't use any gas for six months when our house was being renovated. Now they've installed smart meters.

  4. I'll bet the meter reader is checking to see if you are being honest. Nobody trusts anyone anymore....sometimes rightfully so, but not in your case. Have a good evening.

  5. Enjoy your blog. Happy Christmas and all good things for 2015. Susan J

  6. Oh the joys of the Markeaton roundabout! They have been discussing a flyover for years. Still nothing.
    Not quite so windy today so the sheets should stop on the line.
    We paid good money to have our meter put outside and still they knock to read the meter.
    have a good one

  7. My next door neighbour has been pestered by his utility supplier, he sent monthly readings in but was told he is not using enough gas or electricity, he only has heat on from a halogen heater for a couple of hours in the evening, he is furious about it.


  8. There used to be a layby at the side of Markeaton park on the A38, i used to stop sometimes and take my dog for a walk on the park when i took him with me in the truck.


  10. Just wanted to thank you for your lovely blog this year and to wish you a peaceful and happy Christmas x


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.