Friday, 12 December 2014

Starting an art project

Hello. Can you guess what this is. It's an A4 plastic pocket, with an outline of a landscape picture of Sugar Loaf mountain, it's on the front cover of Country Walking magazine. I wanted to draw it on a sheet of greaseproof paper, but I couldn't see enough detail, so I copied it onto the plastic with a marker pen, then onto the greaseproof paper in pencil. The original picture is here. 
Then I transferred it to a piece of A4 paper, and marked out a grid of two inch squares.

I wanted it twice as big so I stuck two pieces of A3 paper together, and marked out a grid of four inch squares, and copied it across.

Now I need to transfer the design onto a piece of fabric, so I used a much bigger piece of greaseproof paper for that. I penciled it in on both sides so it would be the right way round. 
My piece of fabric is an offcut from the Scrapstore. It's a brown hessian, the type they use on the underside of three piece suits when they make them in the factory. It's got to be pretty tough because of all the stitching it's got to take.

So, my idea is to make lots of these cords and couch them onto the fabric to create the picture. Making the cords is simple, cut lengths of fabric about one inch wide, start twisting at one end and trap it under the foot of the machine. Then sew the length in zigzag stitch, twisting as you go. I don't know if this is going to work, but I fancy trying it. It could be a complete disaster, or it could be really exciting. I've got an itching to give it a go, if I don't try I'll never know. I'm going to use the original picture as a colour guide, it won't be exactly the same, but my interpretation of it.

Lunch today was another salad. Only had half the tub of potato salad this time, with two boiled eggs, and spinach, radishes, spring onions, and lots of beetroot. 
Tonight I made a big pan of lumpy soup with two packs of chopped onions, sprouts, potatoes, carrots, and spinach. It's loverly. Some for lunch tomorrow and some for the freezer.
Tomorrow I'm going to see Elvis, there may be several of him, at the Arts Centre. Should be fun. Over the next three weeks I'm going to be doing some house and dog sitting. My friend has gone on holiday and I shall be staying at hers. Not the whole time, but sharing it with another sitter. I will be posting on here, just the same. I will be commuting back and forth as it's only three miles away. Central heating and a big tele to watch will be a bonus. Hope I don't get too soft. :o)

Catch you tomorrow.


  1. I can't wait to see this art project finished, and what a pretty lunch you had, like a rainbow!

  2. That's a really good idea for your next artwork, look forward to seeing it develop. I can't imagine you will be too taken with the tv- it's over rated!

    1. I agree. I thought I might get a programme guide, just to check if there is anything that I must watch. Could be a waste of money, ha ha.

  3. You getting soft?Never.Your new art project is so creative and I look forward to it's progress.I had an uncle who could sing just like Elvis,especially the ballads and I grew up to his music.Have a great time.The salad and soup are making me hungry .Regards, Destemona

  4. New project looks amazing! Free CH over Christmas is a good is your dog sitting...a great exchange.

  5. Looking forward to see your finished project, Ilona. I have so many projects going through my head at the moment and no time to get them done let alone blog about them!

  6. I love beetroot, I really like it with some horseradish, and mostly have some in the fridge. It is lovely cold, hot, pickled and roasted, and yes I pee red fairly frequently.

  7. looks an interesting project, cant wait to see the finished article.

  8. If you've never been to Sugar Loaf, Ilona, I can recommend it! Wales is a beautiful country. We spent a few days in Abergavenny, saw a fantastic watefall nearby, and climbed Sugar Loaf on a hot sunny day. A nice easy walk with a tricky bit at the end, but we all made it. Brilliant view from the top. We were impressed with my dad doing it, he was in his 70s at the time and the doctor had told him he might have heart problems. We still show off our photos of us at the summit.

    1. Hi, No, it's a part of the country that I rarely get to. I keep thinking I must go.

  9. Really interesting approach you've got there. I also use the plastic bag approach to transferring designs, since you need a very clear outline to go from. Your link led to a request to subscribe to the magazine!

    1. Hi Bourd. Ignore the subscription part of it, the picture on the front cover is the one I am copying. Didn't want to break the copyright laws by photographing or scanning it.


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