Sunday, 21 December 2014

Bye bye blondie

Hello, on this blustery Sunday night. I trust you had a good weekend, I've done the housework, boring but it's got to be done. My hair is getting a bit floppy in my face, really annoys me when I have to keep brushing my fringe to one side. Time for a trim. I do it outside the back door, didn't want to spend too much time on it so it was a quick chop all over. I wasn't going to take any off the neck, but thought, go on then, just a bit. 
Oh chuffin heck, the brush broke in half. I've got another one somewhere, if I can find it.

Next, on went the colour, a light brown shade, £1.50 from Home Bargains. Fancied a change.

Thirty minutes later, after using a conditioner and a waft over with a hairdryer, here is me bonce, now with a brown mop. I'm not keen. Darker shades don't suit me with having a pale complection, I didn't think it was going to turn out this dark. Not to worry, after several washes in a few weeks time it will lighten up.

Erm, excuse me Miss Heidi. The bath is not for cats to clean themselves in, it's for humans. Now stop licking your fanny and try to be a bit more ladylike. 
I've started my Christmas celebrations, I'm sipping a small tot of Port. Very nice. Tomorrow is family day, I have timed my visit to fit in with everyone else. I hope the motorway is not too clogged up.
Toodle pip


  1. Now what's wrong with keeping hair grey! Be bold xx

    1. Nothing wrong at all, if you've got grey hair, but I haven't. This is quite close to my natural colour.

  2. Hi Ilona, very impressed that you cut your own hair.... looks great.... I tried it once NEVER again LOL! Let me be the first to say that the colour looks fine.....a change is as good as a holiday. Enjoy your family day. Thanks again for your blog.... think I am addicted to it!! Cheers Jo

    1. Hello Jo. Nice of you to visit, thanks for your comment.

  3. Now this is something I'll have to disagree with you Ilona, because I think it looks really good.its not jet black or anything as drastic as that, it's a lovely warm shade of brown and I think it works because you might have a pale complexion but it's quite "warm" so it suits you. Ooh am I getting a bit Gok Wan?! it must be because I'm on holiday! My own hair is very dark but that's my natural colour. I suspect when I go grey I'll go properly white, rather than that blended in subtle grey some people are.

  4. Safe journey tomorrow. Must be odd to change hair colour and get a shock looking in the mirror!
    I'm just going grey and white, though I quite fancy PINK


  5. This post made me giggle Ilona, fanny indeed!

  6. I like the warm brown! Maybe a little pale lip color would keep your complexion from looking too wan. I've gone to grey now and super short after having long auburn hair for years. Took some getting used to, but I do like it.

  7. I have naturally dark hair and eyebrows, hazel eyes and pale olive skin but you are right about some not feeling right. I have dyed my hair loads of different colours over the years including some wild ones and some colours just don't suit.

  8. I always cut and colour my hair! Can't stand going to the Salon! As the odd occasion I did, they made such a mess, and charged huge prices, and gossiped in my ear about women I didn't know? So I prefer to do it myself! That colour you did will fade, it looks quite ok! But once you have been lighter, and now going darker it makes you feel drab? Well thats how I feel when I have gone darker! Great that you do it yourself!

    1. I agree carol, salons, no thanks. They never got it right so I gave up with them.

  9. I don't use hair grey is really VERY light blond!
    Jane x

  10. I'm slowly turning grey but won't colour it. I have had so many bad reactions to things that I'm terrified to use anything on my hair so the grey will have to stay. My fringe definitely needs trimming. It's been very cold up here for several weeks and I'm wearing a hat to walk the dogs. However the hat pushes my fringe down over my eyes!!

    We always used to say our cats were playing the cello when they were washing their nether regions as they would lift one back leg right up in the air! Looked like they were playing the cello.

    1. Hello Susan. Unlucky that you have had bad reactions. I haven't had one incidence in all the years I have been doing it. Mind you, I don't know what it's been doing to the inside of my body.

    2. Recent research says hair dyes can cause cancer Ilona, as you're so careful what you eat etc it could be worth thinking about.

  11. Hair looks good to me. Mine is very straight, so I have to be a bit more careful...especially at the back!

  12. It looks lovely.

    I do occasionally leave the blonde and go for a warm brown (which is also my natural colour, and I have very little grey) but I always end up returning to blonde as I feel it suits my skin tone and even goes better with all my clothes. Also being blonde makes my baby fine hair look and feel much thicker. Yours looks lovely and thick already though, and I am VERY impressed that you manage to cut it so well yourself with all those beautiful waves you have.

  13. I always colour my own hair (except for when I couldn't lift my arms). I use an Asian hair colour as I have very dark hair with no red in it at all(my great grandmother was a native Canadian). It is super cheap (less than £2.00, I think). I didn't have my hair cut for years but I thought it started to look tatty. I go to a salon in Stamford and the lady does a dry cut for a very low price. She must have very sharp scissors as the ends look nice for a long time - people must think I pay a lot!

    Your hair looks very nice. When my cat does his ablutions, I say he is "doing his chop" as his leg when it sticks up in the air, looks like a lamb chop. Natalie

  14. You appear youthful in every way, Iiona(good genes:)enjoy the festivities!

  15. Hi Ilona your hair looks great. I can recommend the £2.29 hair dyes in Aldi. Mine is quite a dark red at the moment, I do look a bit like a goth :)

  16. So I just get into your blog site and have a cup of tea and a towel on my head after just rinsing the colour out of my hair and find your topic.Big smile.You do a very nice cut and though the colour is always a little intense initially I always find it fades to softer tones after a couple of weeks-looks good!I(I use a medium blonde myself and that is very much like my natural colour.I would like to stop someday however am not ready to chop off the shoulder length hair I always have and get a Sinead O'Connor cut to let it all come back in naturally.Strangely it's in the spring that I always get the urge???to do so.We do our meal and gifts on the eve(European tradition)and it's our first in our new old house.Today will be a baking and prep day.Usually have a few sips of a libation to get me through..tee-hee.Wishing you a safe journey,a merry Christmas holiday time with peace, love,joy and prosperity in the upcoming New Year Ilona.Regards, Destemona

  17. Oh,forgot to mention that Miss Heidi ,as someone said,playing the cello, right where your busy is very funny.They pick the places don't they?Bye again,D.


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