Friday, 19 December 2014

It's a dogs life.

Hello. This broadband is o h  s o  s l o w tonight, I'll keep it brief. These two chaps are tired out after a hard days walking and playing with their toys. Rocky is staying with me for his Christmas holidays, he gets on well with Henry.
I'm going to have to go, a pop up keeps coming onto the screen, 'The page has become unresponsive', do I want to kill or wait. I'll give it up as a bad job, and say goodnight.


  1. Hi from Jan.So pleased to see Rocky looking great.Hope Santa Paws comes to both those lovely doggies,although they probably appreciate a good walk better than any gifts they might get.Good to see happy,content dogs.Jan.

  2. Lovely dogs....hope your computer is okay!

  3. What do the cats think of this Christmas hospitality?!

    1. Hi. I haven't asked them. I am commuting between the two houses, and my friend also goes in to feed them. Henry doesn't come to my house because he would chase the cats.

    2. Oh yes,I remember! Christmas central heating!

  4. Hi DB. Thank you for your comment. If you email me I will reply.

  5. Lovely picture of Rocky & Henry. So pleased Rocky is staying with you for Christmas. We are near Chester and our broadband is exactly the same as yours - kill or wait!
    Wendy (Wales)

  6. Lovely to see Rocky so settled. Both dogs look very content.

  7. So good to see Rocky and Henry too...they're both looking rather cute lazing around after a day of fun..
    Looks as if Rocky has put on a few pounds...more of him to love.
    Wishing both of them and you a wonderful Christmas.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again. Sorry closed again. Now it is open.