Monday, 2 October 2017

Need a new table? Make one.

Hello. Thanks to the Walking Group for checking in with their mileage, some great numbers there, everyone is making a real effort to keep fit. I'm proud of you.
I needed a new work table for outside, the old one was falling to bits and ready for chucking. I had just the thing for the job, a solid pallet. From my stash of wood I made the legs, and cross members, and with a few nails I knocked it together. 
Looking good eh! This one is parked outside the garage door.

Crafty Club this morning, and as it has been a windy day, I stayed indoors and got on with some sewing.

Comments will stay open to Anonymous for a while, spam has dropped off a bit and I'm not getting as many. If they come back with a vengeance I may have to think again.

Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Brilliant table, will last for ages and it doesn't matter if you get paint or anything else spilt on it, just the job for the garden.

    1. That's it Bri, doesn't have to look decorative, it's a work table.

  2. Let's hope they spam off.That table looks good and solid Ilona.I think it would be nice in a rustic kitchen-very Nigel Slater x

  3. There would seem to be no end to the things one can make from a pallet with a dash of imagination!

  4. Love the way you make things from things people would normally throw away. The table looks really good All the best sally xx

  5. Jozef says the old table must have been bad if you chucked it out - well done on that table.

  6. A great table, so clever of you. It would look nice painted in one of the colours you used for the shed - or several of the colours, in fact!
    J x

  7. Trundling round in Lincoln yesterday , I spotted a huge wooden table dumped in the street , just what i need to make a bench for the greenhouse, i screeched to a halt , then realised i was in my tiny little car not the van ..AAARRRGGGHHH

    1. Note to self, carry a screwdriver with you at all times. That's why I have a big car.

  8. What a good idea, and a fab looking table. I think it's great when something that's needed is made by upcycling. A win/win. Karen

  9. Good for you Ilona, a most useful and repurposed item. Every garden should have one. I love the way you use your free wood. When your items fall to pieces and are no longer useful for anymore upcycling, do you have option of using the useless wood for fuel, like in an open fire or wood burner? That would really fill their potential. Jean.

  10. Good job Ilona. Where did you learn joinery skills - are you self taught?

  11. Looks fab! I would love to try your idea but sadly unlikely: I found a red-stained pallet on the street recently - it was quite small but I still couldn't lift it to carry it home. You must be strong!


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