Sunday, 8 October 2017

Woolly Spires at 20 21 Arts Centre

Hello. I was in town yesterday and popped into the 20 21 Visual Arts Centre to see what's new. Some good exhibitions are now showing for the next few weeks. 
Are there any knitters out there? How about knitting yourself a church. There are six of them on show, and pretty big they are too. Not all made by one person, but by community groups throughout Lincolnshire. 
There isn't much detail about how they were constructed, but I guess that each one has a wooden shell inside and the sections were knitted by many hands to fit it. 
They are exhibited in the walkway between the old church which is the main gallery area, and the new building which is the main entrance, coffee shop, and gift shop.

Here is the blurb on the board, click on it to enlarge

If you want to see more photo's click on the artsnk web site.
There are more photo's on the Woolly Spires Facebook page

Get your needles clicking ladies, and knit yourself a church. Sorry, no patterns available, make it up as you knit  :o)

It's Sunday and I have got a few things I need to do. Enjoy your day and thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip.  


  1. Brilliant very talented knitters.
    Hazel c uk

  2. I love the knitted gargoyles!

  3. Very talented people that have made these churches and alot of thought must go into them aswell!.Oh I know its off topic...but i just wanted to tell you that the bits of kitchen scrap potato that i planted has produced 10 small spuds that are now simmering on my hob for my dinner,they smell great cause they have my homegrown mint in there with them!..Im going big next year and maybe get 2 dinners out of them,lol.Debi,xx

    1. You must have green fingers Debi.I tried it with sweet potatoes once but they didn't grow.I read somewhere you could grow them from small pieces x

    2. My favourite part was the vicar! But magnificent work. Just an aside: I will never be buying spring onions again; chop the green parts of the onions and use them but leave the bulb and white part. Put the bulbs in an inch of water in a container so they stand upright and put in fridge, change the water every 3 or 4 days and of course they will grow. Repeat exercise. I've had the spring onions in the fridge for 2 months and all is fine. Amanda

    3. Yes Flis,it was only a small piece of the spud with a shoot type thing sprouting out of it.I just pushed it in the compost which was in a small wicker draw lined with newspaper.This year,just from scraps,Ive got spuds,garlic and celery.The mint and chives,which are growing wild,lol,were supermarket pots,69p each,planted in an old wicker linen basket.....Amanda,im going to try the spring onions,but im not to sure what month to do it to have best results?,Best Wishes from Alan Titmarsh,lol....Debi,xx

    4. Debi, I did the 'spring onion' test 2 months ago and still going strong; just snip off the 'green' parts. I'm still having plenty of onions to cook with. Time will tell but am optomistic. Amanda

    5. Amanda,i have just reread your post...Is it best to regrow spring onions in your fridge?.I havent got a clue!.I have been lucky with my kitchen scraps.But didnt know about spring onions in fridge?.Can this be done at any time?Debi,xx

    6. Debi, I started this 2 months ago, it's hit-and-miss, I don't know if it should be started say in Spring. But, the onions are absolutely fine (actually growing like crazy and taste fine). Give it a go, worth a try. Amanda

    7. Thanks Amanda,i will try it this week!,Debi,xx

  4. Wow. Amazing talent.

  5. I've never seen anything like that before Ilona.I best get knitting an enormous one to cover the whole outside of my house for the winter .It would be luverly and cosy.So far I've knitted a dolls scarf and a dish cloth x

  6. I'm loving these churches, never seen anything like that before, must have taken ages to knit.

  7. Wonderful, thanks for sharing Ilona.

  8. Really lovely exhibition, there are some clever people arounf Ilona thanks for sharing your photo's, Maggie x

  9. I'm a knitter. I love this! Very talented people.

  10. Thank-you Ilona. Those were very interesting and I have never seen anything like that. Knitted churches! Who knew? Patricia

  11. My parents were married in St Denys' in Sleaford.


Was closed, then it was open, now it is closed again. Oooops, open again, but it might close soon. Yes, closed for now. Open again.