Friday, 13 December 2019

Bed time.

It's getting late and I must go to bed. It's been a lot of fun tonight, thank you all for popping in. The post has gone, disappeared into outer space. See you soon. Lots of lurv xxx  ilona


  1. Sweet dreams Ilona and to your pussy cats x

  2. Good morning!.Well my exciting day today is cleaning condensation off the bathroom ceiling!.Im dreading it but it has got to be done.To be honest it has got worse since we had an extractor fan put in just before we had a new bathroom so it is a never ending niggle for me!.The fridge is slowly staring to empty so Im trying to put off my Christmas shopping until next Tues or Weds.A full day in town shopping for presents is planned for Thursday...we have got 3 more additions to the family since last year so I will have to part with a bit more cash but I have budgeted for it so it doesnt hurt too much,lol.Hope you all have a great weekend,xx

  3. Was it good? I always seem to miss all the excitement ;-)

    1. Yep. It's funny that the simplest of blog posts provokes the biggest reactions. It's also sad that people cannot have a discussion without turning nasty. There are some seriously angry people about, I can see that the delete button with be getting a lot more use in the future.

    2. Ilona,you are so right.There is a few people in this country that dont seem to have any manners or how to behave when things dont go their way.Never mind though,I am sure that one day they might grow up and see the error of their ways.Anger does distort the face and if the wind is blowing in their direction they could end up staying like that.xx

  4. Replies
    1. I did think about leaving it there, so everyone could have a laugh, but then I thought, stuff it, just get rid of it. Sorry you missed out.


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