Saturday, 5 August 2017

All's well in the garden

Hello. It's been a sunny day here today, a bit breezy but dry. I did a Bailey the Poodle walk this morning, he is a sweetie, gets a bit confused when I take him somewhere he isn't familiar with. He seems to know when we are on the homeward stretch and shows me the way. 
This afternoon I was doing a bit of repotting in the garden. Some of the plants have outgrown their pots so I swap them around a bit. I ran out of compost so had a trip to The Range and got three bags for £10. I saw some herbs in the their garden centre at £2 a pot so I bought three kinds. I like the smell of herbs in the garden. There was also some potted flowers marked down so I bought two, a pink and a red one. 
These pictures are not brilliant because I took them as the sun was going down behind the house, so they are half in the shade. These are the same gladioli as last year, they have come back again. 
The fuchsias are doing really well.

These are a lovely shade of pink, don't know what they are called, ha ha.

I seem to have lots of mushrooms coming up all around Rocky's grave. White ones and brown ones. Very strange.

I took a big bushy plant out of this bed, which was covering everything else. The flowers were past their best so it had to be sacrificed to give the others around it a chance. Two smaller flower plants have been put in it's place, with plastic flowers around them to deter the cats from pooping on the bare earth.

Here's a little job for tomorrow. I'm going to make a planter for the herbs. I knew there was something I had to do with this wood, it's been in the garage for ten years.

Right, I'm off out to do my walk, the sun is still out. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. Hi liona, looking at those pieces of wood send my mind racing,I love scrap wood and made a planter some years ago with stencils of hearts along the front.its falling apart now and you've given me the idea to make another one.....just got to spy some skip wood or something ,you never know when you ll come across bits of wood.also, you'll be proud of me, I saw a small chipboard desk which was labeled 'free' outside a house....I'd been thinking about a new sewing table ....being frugal and keeping your eyes open is great fun !!!!! Love your blog,can't wait to see what you're up to next .. Linda

  2. Thanks for your comment on Pride. Some of the costumes were fabulous and they are such a friendly crowd, everyone is smiling. Its good for the spirit.
    Looks like all's good in the garden, funny about those mushrooms on little rocky's grave.
    Look forward to seeing the planter finished, know it will be good.

  3. Its lovely to be out in the garden isnt it.You day looks just like mine yesterday! I swopped a few plants around and made use of some wood that had been hanging about.Finished my upcycled chair...5th one..and just got 2 more to do....Then an old fashioned wooden stool that someone had dumped at the top of the road.It had been there,upside down for over a surprized that no one else had seen it and took it to upcycle.But no one where i live seems to do anything like that.I bought 3 Crown tester tubes for 75p from the charity shop.They are brand new and i thought a bargain working out at 25p each.It says that they have a sponge on the top of them,but i dont know how good that would be?.I dont know wether to just take the tops off and use a small brush...How you ever tried them with the sponge and did the paint come out ok?,Hope your all having a lovely Saturday night!,Debi,Leic,x

    1. Hi. I haven't had any testers with a sponge, I've had some with a brush in the lid. If you use them for small delicate work a small brush would probably be best.

  4. Thanks Ilona x you have inspired me yet again x I wish you would put on a post with your views on decorating or not decorating the house. I loathe decorating and would really appreciate some handy money saving hints and tips for ways to refresh my home without too much effort or expense please! Many thanks . Linda from Kettering

    1. Hi Linda,Hope you dont mind me putting my imput here!,Lol.I think it depends on what room you are decorating.My kitchen is done in old music sheets,about 50p in of food from old cookery books,that i got for about 6 books for 1 pound.And free mags,that ive picked up in Brighton and London...I think alot of towns and citys have these mags about whats on in the local area.Then ive got vintage postcards in upcycled frames,Quadrophenia pics,60s record covers,butterflys cut from free wallpaper samples....oh and lots more unusual things..with fairy lights from the pound shop!.There is far to many things to mention,but it is still quite minimal!!......The rest of the house is magnolia,cause hubby thinks its about time i realised i am too old to be a hippy...Im only 62!!and i like ...different!!,At least it only cost a couple of quid to do and i still love it after about 6 years of it being done.I just add a bit to it now n again!,Debi,Leic,x

    2. Hi Linda. The only rooms I have decorated here are the living room and the kitchen. I was thinking about getting a new carpet for the bedroom, then I realised it needs decorating as well. Do I really want that hassle. If I go ahead with it I shall pay someone to do it.

      You can brighten up a room with new curtains, throws on the sofa, cushions, pictures, and rugs. All these can be bought from car boot sales and charity shops, or you can make them. Even a few ornaments can brighten things up.

  5. Beautiful, cannot wait to see the planter done. Have a good week.

  6. I think the pink plant is a garden variety of the wild plant yarrow. A lovely colour. I went away for a week and the recent rain in Wales caused a mad amount of weed growth.

  7. I do t have a grassy garden, just a courtyard...but this inspires me to think outside the box.

  8. Your plant looks like it may be a sedum.

  9. I think those pink jobbies are achillea. And very pretty!

  10. Your garden is beautiful, Ilona. And so is the (you don't know the name) pink flower.
    Here you can find more about it. It's in English, since I don't want you to struggle with Dutch, my mother tongue:

    Cheers, Jeanneke.

  11. Your garden is looking very pretty, love the mushroom scene I plan on making a fairy garden when I move, I have lots of ideas. My grandson visited the Hobbiton movie set while he was away and brought me a postcard home and said he would build me a little house. Just need to sell my house now. Got 2 boxes of pansies to plant up today. Enjoy the day. Hazel c uk

  12. Nice to see your garden. My husband made me some lovely planters with decking offcuts which we got from freecycle.

  13. I agree with a couple of your other readers, the pink flower is a yarrow. The wild version is white. As for the mushrooms and toadstools, I have seen lots around. I've come to the conclusion that because of the dreadful wet weather they think, as we do, that it's more like autumn, and that's when they normally come out ! Never waste wood, you can never have too much wood. Whenever my husband needs a bit for a job, he goes to his stash. Same here when I need a bit for craftwork. Jean.

  14. Your garden looks lovely. A way I found to deter cats from doing their business in amongst my plants was to put pine cones in-between.

  15. Rocky's grave looks magical Ilona-it's lovely x

  16. If you don't want to decorate to freshen your home, then provided your walls are painted, then wash them down with sugar soap. Much quicker and really makes a difference. Jean


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