Friday, 11 August 2017

Reading with my cat

Hello. Someone is looking over my shoulder, wonder who it is, ha ha. The sun shines through the back window in the mornings, I usually read for half an hour while drinking my coffee. Can you work out the title of the book, or what it's about. Ooops, nearly gave you a clue then, if no one gets it, I will give you the clue. 
 I have a video uploading to yooootoooob, it will take a while.
Back later. Toodle pip


  1. I read with my cat too, am doing so right now. Mr Joseph Shane.

  2. Perhaps, A Cat In The Window, by Derek Tangey, or Alfie ? Jean.

  3. Ilona, I think you're reading 'A Norwegian Tragedy' by Aage Borchgrevink.

  4. Actually, now I enlarge the text and have a read, I realise my first ideas were wrong. I was going by the picture, and also what you said. I have an idea, but will wait for another clue. Jean.

  5. Is it the Celestine Prophecy Ilona? How various encounters have profound meanings in our lives x

  6. I think jeanneke is has got the right answer.Allison

  7. Is the book about gay persecution in chechyna?


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