Wednesday 23 August 2017

Getting a refund.

Hello. I've got a list of jobs to tackle, been ignoring them for a while. Now is the time to get organized. I bought a spiralizer last week, and I am not happy with it, so today I took it back to The Range for a refund. This is it.

 I thought it was very poorly designed, , the spirals don't come out in one long string, my carrot ended up as lots of small slivers. Also the picture doesn't show that the centre core finished up as a long stick, and I want the whole of the vegetable spiralized, not just the outside. The blades are about four inches long but only the inch at the top does the cutting, so why have they got such long blades. 
I took a carrot with me and had three staff members trying to work it out. They thought it wasn't very good, but they said only the manager could authorize a refund, so I asked them to call him. I was not going to be fobbed off. It genuinely isn't fit for purpose. The handle is flimsy and I imagine it wouldn't be long before it broke. And I don't want the centre of the vegetable coming out in a long stalk. I was hoping it would cut down the cooking time in my steamer, but the pieces are that small I would be scraping them out of the basket. Anyway, the manager came and I had a refund. If anyone else has got one of these, how are you getting on with it? I Don't think I'll bother looking for another one. 
Next stop was Tesco. I had notice about six weeks ago that my Talk Talk Vodafone was ending it's PAYG option, and anyone wanting to stay had to sign up to a contract for £10 a month. Well I don't want that, so I found out that Tesco has a similar PAYG, so today I got a new sim card and the lady on the desk went on the web site and changed my number over to them. It will become operational on Friday. I put a £20 top up on it so that will last ages. It's on the 02 network. 
While I was there I had a quick look at the reductions. I was too early for the final and third sticker, but I did get a few bargains. There must have been a hundred or more avocado's, so they were slashed down to 10p each. Ten for £1, a bargain. 
Salad leaves.

Green beans.

Big juicy tomatoes 10p each.

That's it. I must go and do my three miles now, so I'll leave you to it. Thanks for popping in, we'll catch up soon.
Toodle pip


  1. I haven't a mobile. I have been thinking of getting one - purchase one and do pay go or get a contract (no, couldn't face that). I dislocated my knee a few months ago and screamed for over 20 mins before someone came so should have one if anything should happen again. Natalie

    1. I have a very simple phone from T****o cost approx £15 and I put money on it, texts cost me 10p each. I only keep family numbers on it and told them they must never give my number to anyone. I take it out with me just in case I have an accident. It is so handy it even tells the time. Hazel c uk

  2. you are welcome to the avocados. its strange but its one thing I cannot get myself to eat. Much prefer Brussel sprouts. heehee

  3. I have been seriously thinking about getting a spiralizer, but I am not sure if it is a good idea or not, some of them I have heard are rubbish. I love avocados, good buy.

  4. Yes,''not fit for purpose'' is what we have to say now isn't it .I thought about getting one of those spirilizers.I was watching someone use one yesterday on t v ,courgetti spaghetti.10p for an avocaclo that's a bargain.I had some great toms recently too from a castle allotment on my holiclay x

  5. Ilona, I have a spiralzer that looks like a giant pencil sharpener. It only cost me a couple of pounds on ebay and works perfectly

  6. You can buy them very cheaply from China...

    1. Hi. That gadget looks quite good, I will look for it in the shops. I don't buy off the internet.

    2. I think I may have bought a similar one today from Lidl-spiral veg cutter set-£2.99.I only had some limp carrots to try.I will need to be careful when I get nearer the end of the veg though x

  7. Oooo very jealous of your avocados. I would have snapped them up to stock up my freezer!!

    All spiralisers leave that core, even the expensive ones.

  8. I believe in complaining! Nicely but I complain if necessary! I order my pug's food online, it is delivered the next day. He eats a certain brand meant for Pugs, but he has been getting a bit chubby, so we [vet and I] tried first the same brand in low cal, then the same brand in weightloss. Both weight control foods make my dog vomit with 10 minutes! [yes even the few kibbles I tried as I was working on the changeover]. I had emailed the food manufacturer and got no response, so feeling fed up and annoyed I emailed the online supplier and asked if they have a refund policy or credit policy in such a case. To my surprise they immediately refunded ALL money I had spent on the not-tolerated food. I was impressed! Over $70.oo! It pays to complain, nicely.
    Now I just need to figure out what to do with two very large bags of diet kibble. Shelters here won't take food in open bags.

    Next target is my oven manufacturer, the sleeve where it is inserted into the wall cupboards is very rusty! Should an oven surround rust? I don't think so....


    1. Try your local food bank. Ours repackages pet food into smaller amounts and offers them to our clients.
      You might also try freecycle or Free on Craigslist.

    2. Good suggestions, thanks.

  9. I have a spiralizer and it works pretty well.I wouldn't say it was perfect, but I give it a 7.5 out of ten...

  10. I also want to buy a spiralizer and have been saving one on my Amazon wish list for a while. Now I'm going to read more reviews. I don't want one if it doesn't work properly. I wanted one to make zucchini noodles.

    1. Yes, read up about them. The pictures on the box looks like the whole of the vegetable is spiralized, but it isn't. The core is wasted unless you chop it up with a knife. I bought mine for £8, but I saw the same in Tesco for £15. The price varies wildly.

  11. Another good day for you! Our farmers market sells organic tomatoes for 3.00 lb! I really need to move near you!

  12. Glad you got a refund Ilona and what a good selection of yellow stickers. I picked up some nice bargains in M and S yesterday,
    Looks like a nice day here at Heathrow.
    Hazel c uk

  13. I have had an identical spiralizer for over a year and have used it twice! Too much faff and you are absolutely right - it leaves a long core that you end up having to chop by hand anyway so what's the point? As my OH gave it to me I felt I couldn't really do much about it so it is at the back of the cupboard keeping the pasta maker company!!

    1. I asked the shop ladies if anyone else had brought one back. They said they had sold a lot, and none had come back, so I suspect there will be a lot of them shoved at the back of a cupboard.

    2. Oh the shop ladies will always say that...we were trained to say that years ago...and the trend continues,even after all these years.Thing is...their perks,in their wages depend on their sales.Debi,Lei,x

  14. Wow those avocado's are the bargain of the week! We are paying $2.00 each at the moment which is about £1.23 I think, for one !! If I am not happy with a product no matter how much I pay for it, I take it back for a refund! I am always polite and ask for the manager first, I always get a refund or replacement that way. Have a lovely day.

  15. Gave up buying gadgets years ago as they go to the back of the cupboard graveyard they are all to much FAFF and never work as advertised I call it sandwich toaster syndrome. Don't know why FAFF comes up in capitals it just does lol .Good on you getting a refund I would to.Kath

  16. I think you get better results the way you complain i.e. not rude and demanding but a clear and concise argument. Very organised in taking a carrot with you! But, the point is that it's your money and if you're not satisfied with the purchase then you have the right to take it back. I won't be bothering with one as I also have tons of kitchen gadgets in the cupboards that are little used and I'm not adding to the collection. Well done about the food purchases but it's a 'no no' from me about the avocados, I'm not a fan. Amanda

  17. My spiraliser is going to the car boot sale on Saturday ... not to browse the stalls, but to be sold.

    I never minded the long stalk, I either ate it myself or gave it the chickens but I did mind all the faffing about trying to hold the thing still while I turned the handle AND exert enough pressure to push the courgette or whatever moving through the machine. I guess they would be simple to use if you had at least three hands!! Also all that washing up drove me mad, trying to get bits of food out of the blades without cutting myself.

    Anyway we decided that we like chopped up vegetables WITH spaghetti rather than spiralised vegetables pretending to be spaghetti :-)

  18. If you rarely use your mobile you can ask Tesco to put you on their pay as you go lite tariff. You can't join on that tariff but you can switch to it once you are with them. You can see details about it under on the tesco mobile site under help and support -- call charges -- pay as you go.

  19. Spiralizer at Lidls from Sunday this weekend Ilona its £19.99.Perhaps a good one costs more, cheap is not always cheap in the long run as my grandmother used yo say.Their products are of very good quality and usually electric stuff have a three year money back with quibble. Check out their website. Rae x

  20. I've heard lots of agro about that spiralizer. I just use my little handheld one. Not a fan of it either but it does the job. I don't like the fact if your hand slipped it would take several stitches to mend it up. The blades really should have some kind of shield around them. I would have bought a ton of the avocados. YUM.
    They are over a dollar each here and sometimes close to 2-bucks. Ouch!

  21. I have a spiralizer and love it. The little core doesn't bother me; goes on the compost heap. There are so many recipes on YouTube for spiralized veggies. I've made the "zoodles" (zucchini noodles) and some spring rolls.
    Before getting it, I used a "julienne" veggie peelier that did a nice job too.


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